Here we go again......

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Ignorance is shown by the OP in the link, cant stop him breaking the law now can we? He’s in lane 3 scooting along at 70 / 75 mph.

Correct me if I am wrong, isnt the speed limit for any vehicle on a motorway 70mph.


im not even gonna waste my time registering.stupid car drivers.

If you aren’t already, I would suggest registering on here, and posting your reply accordingly:



It was obviously written by a middle lane hogging, slip road racing car driver who hasn’t a clue how to use a motorway , and who hasn’t a clue that without lorries he would have no food on his table, no new clothes to wear, no medicines in hospital, etc,etc, I could go on and on, and as for the train driver - he forgot to mention that without lorries all the goods he ‘drags’ would remain in the railway freight depot.

I was interested in the caravan transporter drivers comments, is he a member on here?

Being a Lorry Driver… Limited to 56? Some are 60, some are 50… depends on the tread left on the tyre? (There can be over an Inch of tread on tyres which makes a huge difference…)…
I carry Oversize loads, very light ones… Max 7 Tonnes…

If they forced all HGV’s into lane 1 they would soon be moaning that they cannot join/leave the Motorway as there is too many HGV’s in lane 1

It’s amazing how much congestion they cause when one pulls out to over take the other. Yes they’re all professional drivers and without them we wouldnt have food in the shops.

But if they are proff drivers - then they should leave enough distance to the one in front. Therefore not needing to overtake…

What a ■■■■■■■ genius now why didn’t I think of that :unamused:

HGV’S should be fitted with overtake buttons whereby they are allowed to increase their speed to 70 to overtake slower moving vechicles. This button should only last for a minute and should be limited in the amount of time it can be used an hour, say to 10 times an hour.

There should also be a sign on the back of the HGV that allows other road users to see that it is using this overtake button.

Bonus a warp speed button, thing is they give us that the paddys will have rewired it by the end of the weekend and tank along at 70mph all day :smiley: