I’ve had enough of Microsoft cr*p!
A few weeks ago I remember a member telling how he had replaced his Windows operating system with a more user friendly one. I’ve had a search but I can’t find out who the poster was. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please, before I finally lose my last remaining brain cell?
Linux possibly? I can’t tell you anything about it sorry, but I have heard some people rave about it.
Hi Casey, why don’t you try posting this on the Computer, Transport Software and Technology Forum, they are a really helpful bunch on there and I am sure that somebody will know the answer to your problem.
Regards Steve.
Hi ROF, could have been me I upgraded to windows 10, rubbish, to get rid of it I googled (how do I uninstall windows 10 and go back to windows 7), it comes up with a good few options and it shows you how to do it on You Tube, easy, hope this helps mate. Les.
Retired Old ■■■■:
I’ve had enough of Microsoft cr*p!
A few weeks ago I remember a member telling how he had replaced his Windows operating system with a more user friendly one. I’ve had a search but I can’t find out who the poster was. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please, before I finally lose my last remaining brain cell?
save some of that brass you donate to wine , women and song and buy yourself a nice apple laptop casey . i can put you onto a chap who sells used , reconditioned ones , good as new . dave
LINUX…I was fed up with windows being so slow…since putting Linux on its now like a new computer, quick, and easy…wish I’d done it years ago
First you have to chose from 4 Linux programme… I only have a 32 bit computer so whatever programming you choose you will need either 32 or 64…the programmes are Cinnamon, KDE, Mate, and xfce…l tried Cinnamon first, but it was too much for my old system, so then put on KDE…and that’s working perfectly.
Go on to Linux, sign in on the forum, and there is more info than you’ll ever need…it’s easy and simple to install, and everything is there to help you…it’s not run by a company, but by computer geeks who know what they’re talking about…you won’t regret putting in on.
Contact me via P.M. if you want more info
Be aware that Windows programs will not run natively on Linux or Mac computer, so if you have Windows programs you want to use make sure there are programs available that will allow you to use them on a Linux or Mac machine.
Be aware that Windows programs will not run natively on Linux or Mac computer, so if you have Windows programs you want to use make sure there are programs available that will allow you to use them on a Linux or Mac machine.
True, although you can run most as they are adapted, the likes of utube, Picasa, etc, however, the beauty of Linux is getting away from Windows / Microsoft / and using their own programmes…simple no frills programmes that’ll do the job quickly and efficiently… If I bought a brand new computer today, I junk the programmes that come with it, and put Linux on…What was a very slow and pain in the arse computer is now like brand new…still, that’s just my experience, providing R.O.F still has the Window start up disc, he could try Linux and revert back if he didn’t like it…
ROF your PC/laptop may only be having problems because it needs the C Drive tidying up by clearing old files and stuff that you no longer need on the disc, any computer will run quicker and seem a lot better when a new Operating System has replaced the old one or when re-installing the original system because it has cleaned the disc of all files except the ones you have purposely chosen to keep. I converted to Windows 10 from 7 when the new system came out and updating came free and it was no problem, I had to update one or two drivers for Printer and something else but again no great hassle. Around nine months later I did have one problem when a Windows update had caused a confliction and the system wouldn’t start, not being able to access another PC I couldn’t source and rectify the problem but as I had not loaded many new programmes or files onto my PC I just re-installed 10 from the menu that came up, since then I’ve had no trouble and found later that 10 can suffer from update faults mainly in the early stages of the system. However as others say another brand system may be better but check you can get what you need from it first or you might give yourself more unnecessary work to get it running right. Windows 10 does include a re-install 7 or whatever previous system you had but older systems will in time not be updated so 10 will be thee system Windows will cater for. Choice is yours but try a clean up first and see if it improves if not change it. Franky.
What a fantastic response. Thanks a million, folks, that was just what I needed to help me decide where to go from here. IF I decide to go for the Linux system can any of you experts tell me if I can transfer all my photos onto the new system simply by using a memory stick?
Once again, I can’t thank all of you enough for your help.
What security protection do you use ?
Retired Old ■■■■:
What a fantastic response. Thanks a million, folks, that was just what I needed to help me decide where to go from here. IF I decide to go for the Linux system can any of you experts tell me if I can transfer all my photos onto the new system simply by using a memory stick?
Once again, I can’t thank all of you enough for your help.![]()
Photos, documents, list of email and web addresses, etc, anything you want to transfer over, load on a remote hard drive, stick, or disc and then transfer it…I did it with the hundreds of photos I’ve got for trucknet…only thing I had to do was manually input the email addresses because I couldn’t figure out how to put them on block, however, it gave me a chance to go through them and get rid of at least half…
.I think that a problem people have is they’re worried about the unknown, they feel comfortable with the system they have, albiet they don’t like it, so avoid change…I can understand that,… no
That’s me, pal! Frightened of doing anything too drastic in case I lose something important. Bit of a dinosaur, me- scared to press that exhaust brake button in case it blows the manifold off!
Thank you for even more sensible advice.
If you can get your PC to boot off the CD/DVD drive, why not try a Live Linux disk included with Linux magazines such as Linux Format.
Nothing to loose as it does not touch the hard disk.
When you restart without the Linux disk, it all goes back to cr*ppy Windo$e.
Linux Mint is very popular, and very simple to install.
You can keep all your stuff by dual booting.
I have gone over to Linux many years ago and never looked back.
Mac is beautiful, but Linux is free, mature, safe and easy to use.
Rock solid reliable and there is a version for every taste.
There is so much help out there if you ever get stuck.
Don’t hesitate, make the change.
I may well do that, refugee.
Having got thoroughly fed up with Windows 8.1 I went for Windows 10 as soon as it was available. A bit of a pain to load off the interweb- took six attempts- but once I had got it I was amazed at how much better it was. A few months down the line I have started having all sorts of problems, one of which is when I try to load photos from a memory card onto the computer: I have no control over where Windows places the photos- sometimes they go to Onedrive (no use to me as an on-screen message prompts me to download the Onedrive driver in order to open the files. “Download unsuccessful”! Sometimes the photos go to the computer’s drive and sometimes it refuses to upload the photos altogether.
Brian was asking about my security system- I use Sparktrust as it seems to block and notify me should anything nasty be detected. It’s also quite good at cleaning junk from the system.
I reckon I’ll give Linux a try when I’ve got a few hours to spare.
Thanks once again, fellas.
Why not just use windows defender
Hi, Alix, I’ve relied on Defender in the past but I’m not sure just how good it is at sorting out phish- some have got through without being blocked which is why I went for the Sparktrust programme.
I’ve used defender for a few years now and not had any problems
Sophos security on windows 7. Windows 10 upgrade is no good on older machines as it is designed for apps mainly,and is the last system they will make,so they say.
Very interesting.
For years I’ve tossed about the idea of switching to Linux, always chickened out.
Latest computer runs Win 8 and it’s just appalling.
Luckily the old Mac just works without fuss or bother, it simply does the job.
I thought to move BACK to Win 7 which I found to be a far more stable system than anything I’ve seen in recent times but now bugger it, I’ll try Linux.