Help with the highway code

last night @7 ish I was travelling in a van, west on the a66 on a single carriageway stretch, as I approached a dual carriageway section I indicated right and joined the dual part in the right hand lane . I overtook a slower moving car and carried on with the intention of overtaking 2 artics also . as I was passing the car the rearmost artic indicated his intention to overtake the 1 in front of him. as I was already in the right hand lane I carried on . BIG MISTAKE ! as I got level with the rear axle of his trailer he swung out nearly crushing me . he overtook the other wagon and pulled back in . when I went passed him he had his face to the drivers door glass , between the thumb and fore finger of his left hand he was holding a copy of the highway code and he was pointing at it with the fore finger of his right hand and mouthing something ■■ . I assumed he was trying to tell me that he had right of way as a) he was bigger than me , or b) he was asking me where to find the bit that explained M.S.M. (that’s the bit where you check its clear before pulling out ) or c) it was a new edition book and it had a section that explained that new trucks fitted with auto pilot ( the one he was in clearly steered itself) could do what the hell they liked . well I went home and consulted my highway code , and while I did find the bit about mirror ,signal , manouver I couldn’t find any information regarding bigger vehicles having right of way or any mention of trucks with autopilot fitted , can anyone tell me which section/page I can find this information ? :confused:

Must have been the same version I saw a scaffolders lorry using earlier on the M25.
Driving a daf xf with a town trailer. Less than 3 ton worth of scaffolding on but he had the lift axle on the unit down (maybe to look like a big boy trucker) no looking in mirrors - just indicate and move over making anything in his path either have to slam on the brakes or swerve towards the next lane. What an absolute tool.

Bloke sounds like a tool from how you describe it. Build a bridge mate and get over it, life’s too short to worry about drivers like this.

I think he was trying to tell you that he wanted you to read him the highway code because he could not

as I was passing the car the rearmost artic indicated his intention to overtake the 1 in front of him. as I was already in the right hand lane I carried on . BIG MISTAKE !

There ya go !! :smiley:
No idea if its in the highway code, but its always going to be risky when you attempt to pass someone who is indicating right to pull out.


DO NOT overtake where you might come into conflict with other road users. For example

approaching or at a road junction on either side of the road
where the road narrows
when approaching a school crossing patrol
between the kerb and a bus or tram when it is at a stop
where traffic is queuing at junctions or road works
when you would force another road user to swerve or slow down
at a level crossing
when a road user is indicating right, even if you believe the signal should have been cancelled. Do not take a risk; wait for the signal to be cancelled
stay behind if you are following a cyclist approaching a roundabout or junction, and you intend to turn left
when a tram is standing at a kerbside tram stop and there is no clearly marked passing lane for other traffic.

Source… … 162-to-169

:laughing: :laughing: … 133-to-143
7. Multi-lane carriageways (133 to 143)

Lane discipline


If you need to change lane, first use your mirrors and if necessary take a quick sideways glance to make sure you will not force another road user to change course or speed. When it is safe to do so, signal to indicate your intentions to other road users and when clear, move over.

with regard to “autopilot” … mmtm its also known as steering with knees, apparently very useful when opening your bag of crisps ,can of coke etc, (or turning the pages of your highway code :smiley: ) its not something I`m familiar with, is there a course ? and if so is it jaupt approved ■■ :smiley:

Basically he was an ignorant and very arrogant ■■■■■■ then. He had no right to just pull out, if only you had a dash cam and got the police involved :frowning:

Pat Hasler:
Basically he was an ignorant and very arrogant [zb] then. He had no right to just pull out, if only you had a dash cam and got the police involved :frowning:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: they don’t have time Pat their so far and few in-between today you’ll have a job finding one in a police station, it all civilian staff today. :neutral_face: