Help with Margin

Gents/Ladies…etc… :open_mouth:

I’m looking for a little guidance/reassurance regarding my forecast profit margin. I don’t want to know what you charge for xy…or z…or what ppm etc…

I just want to know, generally speaking, what profit margin do you aim for, and what do you achieve…?

Reason I ask, my business plan is heavy on cash, no debt; for a one rigid average use operation. And looking at my operating profit and net profit, things look a little…too good!

I have used the RHA tables as far as possible, and tailored them to my plan…

Thanks for any help.

ive found fuel about 40% of turnover for a 44 tonner , the lower down the weight range ive come it has dropped dramatically , might have just got lucky but have fell on some great work with smaller trucks , as for depreciation, a second hand (say £6-£10k) depreciates far slower than a zanussi premium, on 44 tonne work, with a truck that’s paid for I find £250 a week cover maintaince , insurances, tyres etc but I am a steady away driver and am handy with the spanners, but that figure doesn’t include depreciation, hope that helps

Cheers mukka…