Help with keeping legal when starting up please

Please help guys, last thing I wanna do is fall foul of vosa and the other half million unpaid inspectors out there (other drivers).
I’m a new starter, not got management cpc, do have premises, planning, funds in the bank.not applied for o licence, no previous with vosa.
Just to clear it up and get it right first time, how can run on a no licence wasn’t issued to me, think of all the different scenarios this could include and tell me which one is ok.
I’m based midlands.
Been offered ltd company to purchase that has o licence in Northern Ireland.
Have option of running on previous employer in uk.
I knew a guy that ran on a restricted licence and said the goods were his, when they clearly wasn’t and I never knew how or why he wouldn’t have got prosecuted.

Basically guys, I have work I could roll with now, but instead of gaining own cpc, and get up and running in 6 months plus ish, I’m jus seeing what iv overlooked and trying to seperate fact from fiction but must, and I do mean must be legal, not wanting a grey area or burying my head in the sand.
Thanks in advance
Matt wood

Good on you Matt, start as you mean to go on professional from the start = Well done & good luck

If you don’t do your cpc now you may find it more difficult to take time out later on.

Will your work still be there for you in 6 months?

I’d obviously like to do the work but let’s be honest, even if I do do it it’s not forced to be there or mine in 6months, the really valid point I’m considering though, is that if I am driving, and working, and maintaining, and all the other running around, will I honestly take a week or so off to do a crash course in my cpc. The itch I’m trying to suppress is to go and get my own wheels which I’m finding tougher each week.

Is it poss to buy a Northern Ireland ltd company and run with a external tm?
What about the other scenarios?

You need to just slow down and do things properly or you risk ■■■■■■■ away your repute before you’ve had a chance to make it fly.

You need either a transport manager or a CPC and your own standard national o-licence.

Thd only other option is doing the work through someone you can trust with a legitimate operation who will pay you to do the driving and happy for you to take on the work from them when you’re up and running properly.

My opinion is that no owner driver should operate until they have passed an operator CPC course.

If you think you will be making enough money to cover your start up costs, the external TM and the cost of a ready made company, then the work must be quite lucrative.

If you have money saved up, what sort of return do you expect from investing in a truck? Are you in the business of making money, or in the business of running a truck for the so called ‘kudos’ of it, and the so called ‘lifestyle’?! If you are one of those people with a large amount of cash to buy a truck outright, my advice would be to look to invest it in either property, or investment trusts, you will make more money over the long term.

VOSA take a dim view of external TM’s, and rightly so in my opinion, so expect an interest from them, whether you are legal or not.

Own Account Driver:
You need to just slow down and do things properly or you risk ■■■■■■■ away your repute before you’ve had a chance to make it fly.

You need either a transport manager or a CPC and your own standard national o-licence.

This, this, a thousand times this.

VOSA take a dim view of external TM’s, and rightly so in my opinion, so expect an interest from them, whether you are legal or not.
What a load of rubbish

Traffic Commissioners look closely at external TM’s, to make sure they are not just paper shuffling. There have been many articles in CM about the mutterings of TC’s over this. You should read a bit more widely instead of spouting rubbish.

So should you Janos ,they don’t take a dim view ,they just like to see what the external Tm does other than be a external Tm ,I know this as iam Tm for another operator too and he has never had any interest from vosa ect .

That is why TM’s have had a recent census then? and all the new legislation regarding the amount of companies they can work for and the amount of vehicles they can manage? is this because all external TM’s were operating impeccably?

What sort of money should I be lookin at dan for a x tm to manage my 1 truck, 1 driver, 2trailers probably for a year

Thanks in advance

Ideally you need to show that you are paying enough per hour for the hours recommended per vehicle per week ,there are vosa guide lines on these hours ,they do accept less time for a one vehicle operation than is shown in the guide depending on how involved the external Tm is ,ie if it’s a family member perhaps living on site ect ,then that Tm knows what’s happening more than one living miles away .

So what do you think im likely to get quotes of once we establish were not related, and he realises im a low risk, little input , law abiding operator?

So what do you think im likely to get quotes of once we establish were not related, and he realises im a low risk, little input , law abiding operator?

I seem to recall reading that TransConsult charge about £300 a month.