Help with divorce needed

No hard feelings JD had a good laugh at it actually :smiley:

when the going gets really bad :frowning:
and your knocking back a few bottles :laughing:
keep away from the motor no licence no job no hope :cry:

best of luck

citzens advice bureau?

if it is joint then surely so should the payments…50/50 at least! I would not have let her have the house and still make the payments, thats for sure! It sounds like she is pulling the strings here dude

seek advice all i can say

Got me Decree Absolute through today :smiley: Got to be worth celebrating Sat night :smiley: Goodbye ■■■■■ :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Got me Decree Absolute through today :smiley: Got to be worth celebrating Sat night :smiley: Goodbye ■■■■■ :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Absolutely :smiley: :smiley:

yay have one on me on saturday. shame ill be missing the do :frowning:

I’m sorry that your ex-missus treated you so badly. :frowning: Don’t let it make you bitter.

Not all women are the same. It sounds as though the new lady in your life is good to you and supportive - that’s nice to hear. :slight_smile:

I’m glad you finally have closure and can make a new start. Good luck with sorting out all the financial stuff.