help plz


mrs mix:
He say’s in his OP that they have 2 kid’s together

In all fairness Mrs Mix, its written in a style you would expect from a dyslexic retarded newt, do you not feel its a wind up as well? :unamused: :unamused:

Well I wouldn’t call dyslexics retarded newt’s seeing as my 3 children are dyslexic ,
so I could understand his post’s having had years of decifering that type of writing
and no I don’t think it’s a wind up I think it’s a desperate man trying to word things the best he can through his upset and depression

He does indeed, and as someone who has been through the heartache that a breakup involving kids can cause, I can assure you that it isn’t a matter of getting balls. It’s a major known trigger of Clinical Depression, as any GP will tell you, and Clinical Depression is an illness with an organic basis. That level of stress can bring on a chemical imbalance, which is what the medication is there to correct. Counselling then helps you pull out of it.

Since I take an anti-depressant to deal with mood swings caused by the holes in my brain, I suppose I just need to grow up and get over it as well… Because if an organic chemical imbalance can be corrected by willpower alone, presumably the emotional and cognitive difficulties caused by MS can be as well, eh? :neutral_face:

Ps. I suppose the day I had to break the door down to rescue my mother after she took an overdose thanks to Clinical Depression triggered by a nasty split involving children would have been better dealt with using a stern lecture rather than an ambulance as well, yeah? :unamused:

I’m not going to go head to head with you on depression Lucy, because trust me, if wifey starts typing you will lose. :laughing: :laughing:

But i quote "we had big fight 3 weeks ago n i so angry i ended it " So basically he is a very immature 23 year old that has spat his dummy out, then expects the whole world to feel sorry for him, and his girl friend to grovel back and kiss his feet.

Well sorry, its folk with his immature morals that have tossed his man fat all over without thinking of the future, that leave us a society with so many single parents being looked after on the tax payers account.

Sorry Lucy if it causes offence, it is not meant to. But can you not see the irony in his initial post?


He does indeed, and as someone who has been through the heartache that a breakup involving kids can cause, I can assure you that it isn’t a matter of getting balls. It’s a major known trigger of Clinical Depression, as any GP will tell you, and Clinical Depression is an illness with an organic basis. That level of stress can bring on a chemical imbalance, which is what the medication is there to correct. Counselling then helps you pull out of it.

Since I take an anti-depressant to deal with mood swings caused by the holes in my brain, I suppose I just need to grow up and get over it as well… Because if an organic chemical imbalance can be corrected by willpower alone, presumably the emotional and cognitive difficulties caused by MS can be as well, eh? :neutral_face:

Ps. I suppose the day I had to break the door down to rescue my mother after she took an overdose thanks to Clinical Depression triggered by a nasty split involving children would have been better dealt with using a stern lecture rather than an ambulance as well, yeah? :unamused:

I’m not going to go head to head with you on depression Lucy, because trust me, if wifey starts typing you will lose. :laughing: :laughing:

But i quote "we had big fight 3 weeks ago n i so angry i ended it " So basically he is a very immature 23 year old that has spat his dummy out, then expects the whole world to feel sorry for him, and his girl friend to grovel back and kiss his feet.

Well sorry, its folk with his immature morals that have tossed his man fat all over without thinking of the future, that leave us a society with so many single parents being looked after on the tax payers account.

Sorry Lucy if it causes offence, it is not meant to. But can you not see the irony in his initial post?

As you are quoting his original post, Ironstipper, which I have now reread it also says this is NOT the first time this has happened!!!



He does indeed, and as someone who has been through the heartache that a breakup involving kids can cause, I can assure you that it isn’t a matter of getting balls. It’s a major known trigger of Clinical Depression, as any GP will tell you, and Clinical Depression is an illness with an organic basis. That level of stress can bring on a chemical imbalance, which is what the medication is there to correct. Counselling then helps you pull out of it.

Since I take an anti-depressant to deal with mood swings caused by the holes in my brain, I suppose I just need to grow up and get over it as well… Because if an organic chemical imbalance can be corrected by willpower alone, presumably the emotional and cognitive difficulties caused by MS can be as well, eh? :neutral_face:

Ps. I suppose the day I had to break the door down to rescue my mother after she took an overdose thanks to Clinical Depression triggered by a nasty split involving children would have been better dealt with using a stern lecture rather than an ambulance as well, yeah? :unamused:

I’m not going to go head to head with you on depression Lucy, because trust me, if wifey starts typing you will lose. :laughing: :laughing:

But i quote "we had big fight 3 weeks ago n i so angry i ended it " So basically he is a very immature 23 year old that has spat his dummy out, then expects the whole world to feel sorry for him, and his girl friend to grovel back and kiss his feet.

Well sorry, its folk with his immature morals that have tossed his man fat all over without thinking of the future, that leave us a society with so many single parents being looked after on the tax payers account.

Sorry Lucy if it causes offence, it is not meant to. But can you not see the irony in his initial post?

As you are quoting his original post, Ironstipper, which I have now reread it also says this is NOT the first time this has happened!!!

would that be this one bear?.. Quote… “not first time it happened but this time think she means”

I don’t think it’s for any of us to judge the ins and outs of someone else’s relationship, truth be told. The important bit is that Clinical Depression is real, and no amount of telling people to snap out of it (or words to that effect) will enable someone who is suffering to do that. It is precisely because of that attitude that so many people suffer in silence, and it’s a taboo that needs to end.

My mother suffered with this horrible condition for over 10 years, and I spent most of my late teenage years and beyond picking up the pieces. Walk a week in both her and my shoes back then and you may see the whole issue a little differently. The triggers vary, and are largely irrelevant, it’s effective treatment that is the key.

Ps. Have any of you naysayers stopped to consider that this may have happened before precisely BECAUSE of latent depression? That it could be a vicious circle which will never end without help, and which could ruin two young kids lives in the meantime? Again a situation I’ve been on the receiving end of, and which we are struggling to help my daughter deal with the aftermath of to this very day, after it caused me and her Dad to split up.

You know something, Lucy … you really see the good in everyone, don’t you?

I don’t think it’s for any of us to judge the ins and outs of someone else’s relationship, truth be told. The important bit is that Clinical Depression is real, and no amount of telling people to snap out of it (or words to that effect) will enable someone who is suffering to do that. It is precisely because of that attitude that so many people suffer in silence, and it’s a taboo that needs to end.

My mother suffered with this horrible condition for over 10 years, and I spent most of my late teenage years and beyond picking up the pieces. Walk a week in both her and my shoes back then and you may see the whole issue a little differently. The triggers vary, and are largely irrelevant, it’s effective treatment that is the key.

I’m not going to post my personal details on a public forum Lucy, but i have a lot of experience of depression, both suffering personally in the past, and also putting my mother in law in her grave at the age of 46 which was basically a very long running battle of depression, agoraphobia and finally terminal cancer that could not be treated because she would not open her curtains or doors to anyone for near on 20 years. Even when the wife tried getting psychiatric help, there was a lot of red tape that ■■■■■■ that system. But that is in the past, and life moves on.

This lad has about as much of a link to serious depression, as i have of ever making the king of Bahrain. It is nothing more then a pathetic attempt to get sympathy for his own misgivings. Perhaps if he had realised raising kids was a lot of hard work and worked with his girlfriend as opposed to spitting his dummy out and telling her to sling her hook, we would not be digging the bones out of this topic now.

mrs mix:
He say’s in his OP that they have 2 kid’s together

Actually he says they have 1 kid together, a boy, he isn’t the girls father :wink:

I thought he would’ve replied by now anyway to all this invaluable help he’s been offered. I’m starting to grow concerned for his welfare…


Having read the last few very helpful relies I think we may be onto something! The T/net marriage and relationship guidance service. A sure fire winner by all accounts maybe even the RBI might like a slice of the action :laughing:

Have split the posts after this off into the Bar, as we did get rather spectacularly off-topic… :blush: :grimacing:

Have split the posts after this off into the Bar, as we did get rather spectacularly off-topic… :blush: :grimacing:

Well played Lucy, it was beginning to get somewhat silly, disrespectful and unprofessional.

Do you normally have problems with some of these undesirables? I think i recognise a couple of names from other sites, your welcome to PM me for details.

Thanks for the offer, but they get bored soon enough. :wink:

I don’t know whether I would call it problems though personalities do clash and it can often get a pub like atmosphere. It feels appropriate to occasionally remind members that we try to provide forums for many purposes from a laugh and a joke to professional and personal support and that posting in the right forum makes it easier for everyone to use. Members having a laugh is as integral a part of Tnet as is the serious stuff but some threads are sensitive and deserve a little repect.
We are in danger though of going off topic once more and I would hate anybody to be put off sharing their problems because of a little tom foolery. :wink:

I don’t know whether I would call it problems though personalities do clash and it can often get a pub like atmosphere. It feels appropriate to occasionally remind members that we try to provide forums for many purposes from a laugh and a joke to professional and personal support and that posting in the right forum makes it easier for everyone to use. Members having a laugh is as integral a part of Tnet as is the serious stuff but some threads are sensitive and deserve a little repect.
We are in danger though of going off topic once more and I would hate anybody to be put off sharing their problems because of a little tom foolery. :wink:

A listening ear is helpfull.
A sarcastic one is hurtfull.

Note to Sam: You can always pm mate, cant say you’ll get the answer you want but he’ll if it helps, better to get things off your chest.

Hi sam mill,

We’ve not heard from you for a while - hope you are OK.

If you’re in a fix, you can always PM someone in this thread who offered you support - don’t try to go it alone.

hey guys thanks for ur support to who cares there sum ppl who dont give a ■■■■ about ppl feelings we still not 2gether
doctor givin me sum antidepressants n waiting 2 her from concelor plus sum of us werent tht gd at spellin so it no joke

Hi Sam,

Good to hear back from you. I think anti depressants can take a couple of months to take effect, depending on what type they are, so you’ll have to stick with them and wait for them to work properly.

Sorry to hear that you’re still apart from your girl and your children. Hopefully the counselling will help you to find a way forward.

Please try to plan something to look forward to, whether it be some days out, a holiday with mates - something positive just for yourself, that you can put in the diary and work towards.

You need to give yourself a reward for getting some help to try to sort this out - it’s not easy and I admire you for it.

Keep your chin up :sunglasses: :smiley:

Poor chap Sam. Just remember this,my friend.
GOD loves you and is with you every step of the way,throughout your life.
HE is the crutch you must lean on in times of doubt and uncertainty.

If you are a member of the Catholic church,(which I hope you are) then you must go to see your local Priest,who will be happy to counsel you.

If your’e not Catholic tyhen burn in hell you protestant ■■■■■■■■

Poor chap Sam. Just remember this,my friend.
GOD loves you and is with you every step of the way,throughout your life.
HE is the crutch you must lean on in times of doubt and uncertainty.

If you are a member of the Catholic church,(which I hope you are) then you must go to see your local Priest,who will be happy to counsel you.

If your’e not Catholic tyhen burn in hell you protestant [zb]!

yeah right on brother…cos Jesus Saves

and rooney scores off the rebound!!!