Help needed on giving weeks notice dispute

just quit job ive been in it 3 weeks and have signed no contract ,been told i havent give them a weeks notice , yet i have not done 1 full month . i need too get whats owed plus my p45 any answers please

Did you discuss notice at interview?

no i did not discuss notice at interview and i left yesterday and have another job already after interview today do not need references just want out of the hellhole

no i did not discuss notice at interview and i left yesterday and have another job already after interview today do not need references just want out of the hellhole

You are entitled to money for any time you have worked - I would forget any holiday pay entitlement though - not worth the effort IMO for such a short time there

just quit job ive been in it 3 weeks and have signed no contract ,been told i havent give them a weeks notice , yet i have not done 1 full month . i need too get whats owed plus my p45 any answers please

From your previous thread, I am sure they will be used to drivers just leaving like this, you have probably earned a gold clock for the time you have worked for them :wink:

Good luck with new job though.

It is obvious that things have changed a lot since the old Grey TK Bedford days and dead mens shoes :stuck_out_tongue:

When would you have normally been paid?

If weekly then they can pay you 1 week after your last week ends, similar if monthly.

If they don’t pay you before this period ends then this is classed as an illegal deduction of pay, you can either take it to an employment tribunal or treat it as a small claims proceedure.

IME it is virtually non-defencible by the employer, you will eventually get whatever money is owed plus any legal expenses.

Regardless of signing anything, everyone who is employed has a contract of employment. If this is a rogue company (or person) there is quite a lot of nonsense rubbish they can quote to make you believe that you have forfeited your pay.

Give them 7 days to pay from the last day that they have to pay you then inform them that you will take legal action to recover your money. I’d also point out to them that they should seek legal advice as to whether they are right to make an illegal deduction from your pay, hopefully they will & discover that they will also be liable for your legal costs.

After 3 weeks in their employment I don’t see the need to mention them to any future employers.

thanks for replys ,just spoken too them with my armoury , been told head office are sending out letter stating what im owed etc ,will wait for this too arrive albeit postal dispute and if all correct then happy days ,if not then will administer all info given via this thread . :wink:

If they do fail to pay on the anticipated date to start any process of legal recovery you will need to write to them,keeping a record for yourself requesting payment within 14 days ,sent recorded delivery.

Have you given this companies details to your new employer? If you have and they will be after a reference i’d sit down with your new employer and explain to them situation, therefore they will have no suprises… also, iirc it’s illegal to give someone a ‘bad’ reference.

i,m not so sure on it being illegal for a bad reference, I worked for one of the major universities 2 of the guys were taking the ■■■■, sick leave one of em had 7 grandparent funerals ect as they were friends with the personnel manager they managed to obtain excellant references even though they had bot been on serious diciplinarys and were 1 warning from being sacked which is when they both left whilst under suspension from work,
the company they went to had the same problems with them and they questined the reference unfortunately it did,nt go to the personell manager but to the det director who could,nt believe the reference that was given originally, it ended up with a true refence being given which meant the 2 of em got sacked for lying on their CV/application and the personnel manager got sacked, as the other company concerned threatened legal action over a false document?

we were all issued with a letter that stated in case of any referencences reqd the facts would be given!

… also, iirc it’s illegal to give someone a ‘bad’ reference.

No it isn’t & it’s a popular myth.


… also, iirc it’s illegal to give someone a ‘bad’ reference.

No it isn’t & it’s a popular myth.

As long as a reference is truthful and doesn’t defame, then it is legal, whether good or bad

If you crashed a truck every Wednesday and the employer put that on a reference, it is true, however if you only crash on a Friday that is defamation. So, if you slotted a customer or manager, they are allowed to put that on your references

dont need a reference for new job from this last job as they know me from old transport company ,it was an old school interview ,turn up fill out bank details ,theae are the rules see ya next tuesday

these are the rules see ya next tuesday

I wouldn’t work for a company that said that to me…These are the rules, C U Next Tuesday!!! Bit harsh… :wink:


Anything under 3 months, you or the employer don’t need to give notice either way, not sure of reason to leave, but any employer good or bad should be given a weeks notice. If shoe was on other foot you would want it!

I start new job next week, offically only needed to give 1 weeks notice, but due to restricted advertising gave them 2weeks, new employer very understanding and old employer very greatful!

Saying that if your money is not in bank on their pay day, then ring telling them you have written requesting pay and will be takin legal action if not paid that day or next working day, they can pay money directly into your bank, but will take 2 days to clear this way (bacs clears straight away).

Good luck, and all the best with the new job.