help! MAN tgx Ventilation unit not working

Hi guys! I am new on this forum and I desperately need some help. I have recently bought an MAN tgx 400 2008 tractor unit and everything was fine with it until today. I have switched the engine and tried to put the ventilation on and set up the temperature and it wouldn’t work. When I have pressed the windows ventilation button the whole unit switched off completely and I can’t make it work. I have tried the fuse but that’s fine. Has anyone had the same or similar issues? I would appreciate if anyone can give any advice.

Many thanks

The best advice I can give is to post it in the relevant section, ie owners bit, on here everyone is lost and need someone to tell them where they are :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’ll do that, I just need some time to work out how to write in the right topic :unamused:

Can’t help you but i’ve read several times on TNUK that these problems occur on MAN trucks so it doesn’t sound uncommon.

I reckon you’re sat in the drivers seat feverishly twisting knobs and pushing buttons.

What do I win?

thank you all. yeah I will have to take it to a garrage unfortunately. :cry: