Help i'm stuck in kent!

can anyone assist, I’ve managed to get the front axle bogged down in soft ground.

I’m at Seven mile lane “Alders I.E.” near Mereworth in Kent.

■■■■ takers can save it for another day !

have you tried rocking it backward and forwards :question:

have you tried wrotham golf club? they are bound to have a tractor.

There are some fruit farms down Seven mile lane,they’ll definitely have tractors or you could try the military training ground or Weald Granary for assistance. If all else fails then NYK are at Snodland

NYR Neil Yates Recovery, are in Snodland!

Doh!!! Thats who i meant!

Thanks for the reply’s fella’s.

IT’S ■■■■■■■ OUT ! :grimacing:

A nice man with a Range Rover did the business !

Details to follow. :open_mouth: :blush:

only a 53min Delay! well done matey :slight_smile:

You tried the diff lock I presume, amazing the amount of drivers who don’t know what a diff lock is or how to engage it… Artics also don’t like even just normal grass as i’ve found to my peril in the past. Most trucks are useless at traction which is why we’re boned with a bit of snow.

Most trucks are useless at traction which is why we’re boned with a bit of snow.

which is obviously why once out of the UK and into Eastern Europe in winter problems seemed to be few and far between even though in most places over there they had never even heard of let alone seen a snow plough. Driving on snow has to be learnt and practiced, it is a driver problem not a vehicle problem.

In summary,

I was delivering the front box of a twin up, which was to be tipped off the front.

I didn’t arrive until 1500 because of other “difficulties”, bearing in mind I usually get there around 11ish (it’s a semi-regular job) so the chaps there were keen to get the gear off and get home/to the pub.

If any of you know the estate in question, the unit I deliver to is the 1st right as you turn into the estate. Not ideal for artics but not really a drama.

The routine with tipping off the front at the unit in question is to drive in tight to the wall on the left and stop with the front of the trailer level with the roller shutter, drop the trailer, pull the unit forward and park off to the right out of the way. Unload then reverse the process. P.o.p. :grimacing:

Today as I said hasn’t been what I would call Text Book. :imp:
Everything was going to plan apart from the “parking off to the right” bit. I couldn’t do this today as there were other vehicles in the way.

It was suggested that I park on the grass at the edge of the concrete area in front of me.
“Is it solid ground?” I asked.

“Yeah, no problem.” Now I don’t want to point the finger as Dave, the governor there is a top bloke but I don’t think he realised quite how heavy the Popemobile is. I have also decided it would be best to listen to the little voice that hollered at me to say “no ■■■■■■■ way pal” a little more.

Anyway I duly drove onto the grass with the edge of the concrete level with the back of the cab.
Kettle on and a bit of paperwork later and we’re tipped in record time.

Select reverse (auto box :imp: ), wheelspin, I would have used diff-lock but Iveco thought that this particular motor would get through life much better without one! :unamused:

Much digging of mud, scattering of stones and placing broken pallet wood under the wheels later and I decide that it’s officially ■■■■■■■ stuck. :blush:

While having a brew with Dave I thought I know just the place to go on bended knee and seek advice.

Meanwhile Dave had contacted a mate of his that owns a Range Rover.

2 minutes with a span set, a low ratio and much revving saw Sollihulls finest rescue God’s favourite papal chariot, leaving me very impressed. :grimacing:

Once again, thanks for the replies.

now can the ■■■■ taking begin :question: :question: :question: :question:

YOU RODNEY :lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

now can the ■■■■ taking begin :question: :question: :question: :question:

YOU RODNEY :lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■■■■■ !!!

is it not strange there are no diff locks ?

I have also decided it would be best to listen to the little voice that hollered at me to say “no [zb] way pal” a little more.

Yeah hindsights a wonderful thing :blush: but you’re in good company coz I bet you and me aren’t the only 2 on here to get wagon stuck like that :unamused: . luckily for me the man with his jewson bright ideas did get his jewson wagon to lend a hand, and as i hadnt sunk rather was just sitting on wet ground spinning not much effort was needed :laughing:

glad you got mobile so quick :wink:

is it not strange there are no diff locks ?

You’d think so wouldn’t you. My 460 FH dint have them either, and that was new to a farming company which i thought strange!


now can the ■■■■ taking begin :question: :question: :question: :question:

YOU RODNEY :lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■■■■■ !!!

Sorry mate, couldn’t resist :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Most trucks are useless at traction which is why we’re boned with a bit of snow.

which is obviously why once out of the UK and into Eastern Europe in winter problems seemed to be few and far between even though in most places over there they had never even heard of let alone seen a snow plough. Driving on snow has to be learnt and practiced, it is a driver problem not a vehicle problem.

Granted, but I still think most trucks have crap traction. Once you’re rolling on a main road easy enough for those with the craft but trying to get them to move with no weight on and a mid axle that doesn’t lift up (WTF Iveco?) a steady slope is a challenge. Now if we had double drive, like the yanks, it’d be a doddle, even if the single wheel lift axle was powered when down it’d help a lot but from an engineering view point this probably wouldn’t work that well. You could have snowchains on the mid lift and then raise it when on salted main roads if not to heavy and plant it on the side roads, HI-Tech action! Also how often do you see the poor ■■■■■ who’s stuck in them stone verges at the side of the hard shoulder…

I’ve just noticed two of my 4x2’s don’t have diff locks on either so i’ve just bought some of these: … deptid=295

Should be a good laugh now if it snows!

It’s happened to me too!

Had to go up a very narrow lane with a tight right-hander, the sort of tight that would have been very tricky
to reverse through.
So…there was a field at the top with no gate,long grass…and stuck I got.

Very helpfull folks in the house i’d tipped at called a mate with an Environment Agency LandRover.
The Landy wouldn’t pull it out, but the winch cable did a fine job!

…and to top it all, reversing wasn’t that difficult after all!


This the one: … .5,1,5.31
