HELP How do I.............

fit 2 tacho charts to a digital VEEDER-ROOT tacho fitted to a 53 / 04 plate ERF ect, to run as double manning a truck.
I cant see how we can fit both charts in the recorder to show the status of both drivers. normally Id open the tacho head of an older type machine and lift the inner plastic flap that the solo driver chart sits on and fit the CREW chart underneth it then re-place the plastic flap then fit the 2nd chart on top as usual.
But there isnt a seperating plastic flap to physically divide the 2 charts on these recorders, but there is the controls on the front for 2 drivers. Ive read the manual that came with the truck for the VEEDER-ROOT tacho head, but there is only a small paragraph on the subject.

Confused of yorkshire

This particular unit is a pain :imp: but i hope u can follow my poor description;

open tacho instrument in usual manner.

The second man chart goes in first, with the recording face uppermost. If you look at the chart table you will see a slot almost the width of the chart table, about half way between the pear shaped cam and the hinge. Very gently feed the chart into the slot and position the centre hole of the chart over the cam.

The Driver chart now goes in, again recording side up and remember to get the chart under the two lugs near the hinge before locating the chart over the cam.

Close the chart draw and remember that the driver is number 1 and co-driver is number 2. Don’t forget to swap charts over when you chang who is driving and have a safe trip