Help! - 5th wheel grease

I have managed to transfer fifth wheel grease from my trousers, to my sofa.
I only noticed this morning, so haven’t done anything to it, yet?

Is there anything I can use to remove it?


Only thing i have found reliable is petrol/diesel neat on the area…obviously makes the material stink of fuel so hopefully you can remove covers from your sofa and wash at high temp in the washing machine

Depends on what material the sofa is I guess?

Assuming some sort of textile not leather, physically remove what you can before using any solvents, and then detergents.
Firstly do a patch out of sight some where, to ensure what you use will not damage or fade the cloth.

when i got some on my good trousers i just used vanish (the spray on kind) let it soak in and then good old morrisons washing powder on a 40 degree wash.

Anything else your unlikely to have and by the time its arrived if you could find it on the internet will be too late. However the old fashioned dab it off with carbontetra chloride in it was excelent the chemical used to be used as a fire extinguisher

Your wife lets you in the living room with your work gear on !! , bloody hell I have to strip off to my boxers in the porch !! if I got grease on the setee ww3 would break out , though the bloody cat seems to have a lisense to do what he bloody pleases , bloody great scratch markes all over the leather sofa from when he chases round like a headless chicken , apparently he’s a cat so it’s fine , I can just buy a new one !!

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I am the wife!

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You should know better then !!


This is the sofa.

There was a thread recently where WD40 was suggested. I have a similar problem but instead a couple of spots on the cream carpet by the sofa. For now the sofa has moved forwards by half a foot.

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There certainly should be a label somewhere saying that it is fire resistant etc and probably saying exactly the material/fabric used.
Check Google etc for that exact material.
Be suspicious of any claims that summat is easy to use!

Being a textured and “mottled” finish I think you should get a good result.
Maybe since you know it is there you will see it but others won’t.

My husband spotted it this morning, and he is as blind as a bat. It’s on his side of the sofa.
Will try cleaning it when I finish shift.
Hopefully it will be less visible, even if I can’t totally remove it.

Some tarmac footprints appeared on the stair carpet in our flats and the maintenance guy had 90% success with WD40. Appreciate the fabrics are totally different but may worth a go.

I’d put duct tape over it to hide it. Course you couldn’t use black or there be no point. :+1:


Can you buy dry cleaning fluid there? I think white spirit is similar.

Try some neat tfr from the pressure washer

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Speaking of which, I have developed a nasty rash in the last 24hrs since getting a bit liberal with neat tfr yesterday. Could be unconnected, of course.

It’s very very caustic
Which would explain the rash

This is one of many makes

Sodium Hydroxide: A bit stronger than “Fairy Liquid”.

Good luck but it’s usually a lost cause.
Try white vinegar.
Even getting 5W grease off metal paintwork is hit and miss with brake-cleaner, depends on how long it’s been on there etc.
Diesel / Petrol may remove the grease but it’ll leave a very faint stain in the fabric (if it’s patterned you’ll probably get away with it though).

I have used WD40 with some success.