Hello over there, wavin' at ya from the frozen North

Hi boys, just dropped in to say hi from North Dakota. -10 tonight, thought you’d like to know that I’m burning diesel to stay warm !
Just back from Austria since 6 months…actually have an LKW Fuhrerschein from there but never drove much.
Owner/op…bought a 99 Volvo 770 -425 D12 and 13 spd Fuller - last trip paid me $2.25 a mile to truck…finally made it to the big times :slight_smile:
Anyhow, emails appreciated, a big hello to all the old boys in Slate Quarries, Ahenny, Co. Tipp…hi boys, have a pint on me ! :open_mouth:

Hi Stockmann, welcome to TruckNet UK :smiley:

Welcome onboard

Hi Stockmann and welcome to TruckNet UK :smiley:

hiya stockman welcome :smiley:

welcome stockman to t/netuk,hope you enjoy the site

hello stockmann from cold wintery leeds in the north of england. bet our cold isnt anything like your cold. :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Stockman,
Have a N.Dakota class A CDL myself,Have you been to Grand Forks,Mott,Minto,Langdon?
Dam cold this time of year :imp:
Done alot of harvesting at these places in 2002!!