Hello everyone !

It has been a long time since I was on here, in fact too long.! It was before the site was changed.
Hope all is well with everyone.
Been off work for some time now but pleased to report that I return on Thursday to go to Aldershot…I still get the good jobs!!! Ha Ha.
Light duties they said!


A woman drivin’ a truck?
What next? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
They’ll be getting computer literate before long! :laughing:

A woman drivin’ a truck?
What next? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
They’ll be getting computer literate before long! :laughing:

How do you know it’s a woman, never heard of a boy named Sue.


A woman drivin’ a truck?
What next? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
They’ll be getting computer literate before long! :laughing:

How do you know it’s a woman, never heard of a boy named Sue.

Fiona is a bit of a giveaway…

what are light duties when you sit on your arse for a living? :laughing:

Welcome to TruckNet UK Mim :smiley:

Welcome Mim.

are you the south mim :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

to Neil
so you’ve landed then … :smiley:

yep :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well then boys, yes Fiona is a bit of a give away and I am a girlie! I doubt you could write anything on here about lady truck drivers that I haven’t heard before!
Been on the driving now for nine years and was a member of trucknet befor it all changed, but thanks for the welcome.
Been off for the last 2 months with a “bad back” thought it was better and off I went to Aldershot on thursday night for a double shunt. After my shift I was made well aware that my back had different ideas, will be off now indefinately, been diagnosed with fibro myalgia. It is a complaint that attacks the soft tissue in the body, muscle being one of them. Oh well must grumble too much, but it looks like my lorry driving days could be over.
As for light duties, that means, no trailer changes and no moving heavy pallets, let the boys do it…They are soooooo good at it!!!
Joking aside it has been a great time doing the job and I have always got on with the other drivers, I do hope there is some hope of going back.


Sorry to hear of your back problems :frowning: but may be T/net can keep you on the right side of sanity, which ever side that is :wink:

It is a complaint that attacks the soft tissue in the body,

A very common lorry drivers’ complaint then :cry: .

Hope in your case it does get better.

Salut, David.

A woman drivin’ a truck?
What next? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
They’ll be getting computer literate before long! :laughing:

Errrr… computer literate? No I don’t think so not in my case! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: