
ok folks i need some help if you could… :blush:

being that im a bit of a computer chump im struggling with something that i cant get my head around .
i find myself i the position of looking for another job , im currently working for a firm i never thought i would want to leave ( and believe me i dont ) but ■■■■■ happens and its happened to me. the job has suddenly changed and its going to effect my wages quite badly so time to move on.

my problem is i need to make a c.v for applications and what not and i cant seem to do it . ive got the template thingy on my lappy but the dam things are a nightmare to get sorted , they all seem to have text on them that needs deleting but when i do it they look crap . what i need is a printable cv form that doesnt need any editing if you get my drift . :blush: .

ive had a google but all the ones im finding are all the same , god dam editing gets me every time … they just look ■■■■■ … :imp:

so , does anyone have or know of a cv form i can use thats just simple print and go .

i know someones going to shift this post to where it should be before long so lets be quick before they get up … :grimacing:

pot noodle anyone ?


i just start with a blank page on wordpad.

telephone no.
NI no.
work history. try not to leave unemployment gaps.
other experience/strong points gained through previous employment.

i don’t think templates are any good, it’s an easy cop out, and some employers could see through it.

This ^ is pretty much the same as me, I just up date it if I’m applying for a job.

i just start with a blank page on wordpad.

telephone no.
NI no.
work history. try not to leave unemployment gaps.
other experience/strong points gained through previous employment.

i don’t think templates are any good, it’s an easy cop out, and some employers could see through it.

This mate. Just keep it short and sweet. The missus sees a lot of cv’s and says that if one is too long half the time she won’t bother to read it. Same goes for most places I think.

ahh ok i hadnt thought of that i’ll give it a go ,even i should be able to do that … cheers chaps … :smiley:

The best thing i ever did was get my c.v written by a pro. cost 60 but took 5 pages of work history and qualification down to 2 pages of relevant information. loads on google who offer this service

What Limeyphil said.

Long distance clara:
The best thing i ever did was get my c.v written by a pro. cost 60 but took 5 pages of work history and qualification down to 2 pages of relevant information. loads on google who offer this service

60 quid ? you having a laugh ?

i can go get a real good ■■■■ for that and still have change to treat her to a pot noodle … :sunglasses:

What Limeyphil said.

ive done it now anyway , i did what slimeybill said and it worked a treat …

cheers fella … :grimacing:


What Limeyphil said.

ive done it now anyway , i did what slimeybill said and it worked a treat …

cheers fella … :grimacing:

You’re welcome. Now… can I haz pot noodle?

there you go …

Nom Nom Nom. Either you googled an image of pot noodle and uploaded really fast or you have a disturbing library of pot noodle images stored on your computer :open_mouth:

Nom Nom Nom. Either you googled an image of pot noodle and uploaded really fast or you have a disturbing library of pot noodle images stored on your computer :open_mouth:

id go with the library if i was you … :grimacing:

i’ve just done a CV for a job, but i added a link to a newspaper article which i was featured in.
it has gone down really well. a very positive response.

When you send a CV - always attach it to a short letter addressed to the TM or whoever saying where you saw the ad, or how you have always wanted to work there.

Two or three lines will do with your address at the top and a phone number (mobile is best) something like this:

Dear sir,

I saw in the Argos on January 1st that you are advertising for drivers. I am thinking about leaving my present employment as we are being put on short time and would like to apply.

I have a full C+E licence and a current digicard, and as you can see from my CV I have plenty of experience.

If you are interested I can come for an interview at your convenience and you can contact me at any time on 10234 56789


Check it carefully for speillin mistikes.

You forgot to attach the CV :exclamation:

You forgot to attach the CV :exclamation:

Bugger :blush:

Tailor your CV to the job you’re after. As said above don’t make it too wordy; keep the info relevant. Most TM’s will keep or bin your CV after no more than 20 seconds reading; that’s not cos they’re not interested, it’s because they get dozens or even hundreds for each job.

For example; by all means tell them what school you went to, and the relevant years, but when it comes to qualifications, if you passed five O-levels then that’ll do, no need to list the subjects and grades.

Licence details , and list relevant qualifications (FLT, ADR) under them.

Employment history over ten years old need not be any more specific than the year you started and finished. This can in some cases help to cover short gaps or even temporary jobs with companies which are rarely likely to lead to a useable reference. If a previous employer no longer trades then put (now closed) after it, saves wasting their time chasing them up.

I would add to Limeyphil’s list two referees; if you’ve been with your current employer for some time and don’t want them to know you’re looking, then this might be awkward but you can use people of good standing who have known you for a while, similar to your passport application; chairman of your bowls club, a long-standing friend or suchlike but not a relative. Try to include a phone number for these, not all prospective employers will bother checking them out but it might help.

Couple of other things; it’s my experience (former TM and recruitment consultant) that contrary to popular belief many TM’s avoid CV’s from drivers which are wrapped up in “management-speak”, and prefer those which present the candidate in his own words. And above all, be honest.

Best of luck in your search.

thanks very much for your help and advice chaps , ive followed most of it i just need to see what happens . im not in any rush as im in fulltime employment with a firm i like working for its just that the job has changed recently and it feels like im taking a step backwards .
im going to have a look around and see whats about and send a few C.V’S off .

thanks everyone .

The best thing i have found is to knock on doors…and keep knocking till you get a job!!