Height measuring

I am looking for a good accurate vehicle height measuring device that dosent cost the earth, for Articulated vehicles, but not as high as double deckers.
Does anyone have any recommendations please.

When I needed it I just climbed as high as I needed with a tape measure, but there is a way of doing it when trying to estimate where a felled tree will fall.

But there is a margin of error and I suppose if you really need to be accurate (a 56 foot tree was estimated at 60 feet) you’d have to buy a laser device as mentioned in the video.

A crude method is to calibrate a coil of rope with different coloured ribbons and throw it over the top. You’d only need to calibrate the 13’ to 16’ bit.

A steel tape measure.
Stand on catwalk and extend the steel tape until it is to the top of the trailer. Measure distance to bottom of trailer headboard or anywhere you prefer.
Jump do…dismount carefully from catwalk, measure from bottom of headboard to ground.
Easy accurate and cheap.

As a very rough guide measure the height of units you drive and look at difference between them and the trailer. If the trailer is the same ht as a SSC Daf then it is under 4.0m.

Just do what many seem to do these days…apparentlly.:wink:
See a bridge and go for it,… if it hits it it is too high, then check the bridge height (after the collision) to give you a guide height of what your trailer was.
Your’e welcome.:smiling_face_with_sunglasses:


are the folding measuring sticks designed for the job too expensive then compared to the fines etc if caught with the wrong height displayed.

every trailer i have bothered to look at has the height written on it

I’m sure I have seen low bridges with height sensors as you approach that tell you when you are too high, would be good if they could actually tell you the height. Didn’t the left hand Dartford tunnel have one?

been behind some [of the more recent design] trailers that slip under bridges with what looks like less than a foot clearance

Southbound Blackwall Tunnel southbound did, IIRC. :wink: