Hi Patrick, ex V D Vlist on the A9 Inverness this week, some tune off it as it went by.
Nice to see that the old girl is still going strong Oily!
Must have cost a fortune though, to get it in such a shape!
Seems a bit extreme, just to stop people overtaking.
Unique, as to my knowledge there were only two 12x4 tractor units, both in the fleet of v.d. Vlist. The idea behind the concept was to get rid of a jeep- or inter dolly, but it soon proved to be easier to stick to 8x4 or 10x4 coupled to a jeep- or inter dolly, due to having problems with applying for permits etc.
The one with the Topline cab still excists, and is part of the (private) collection of v.d. Vlist. I’m not sure what happened to the one with the flattened P-cab.
Top UK Heavy Haulier M A Ponsonby Ltd.
Glad to see you posting Dennis, there aint many that still bother on this J Arther outfit in its present form, Buzzer
Heavy Haulage incident yesterday in France. @owenmoney noticed the reports.
The 22 year old driver is in hospital with head injuries. Best wishes to him.
Looks to me like a secondary “bridge” was laid over the road bridge to support and spread the weight of the truck, and that has collapsed?
a very awkward recovery to be made over the next few days anyway.
Edit…Light injuries only as he got out of the cab.
Good chaining Driver. At first I thought the load had slipped and was only held by the railings, but then saw that it was offset and therefore still secured.
If the whole thing had gone over the edge, it could have been much, much, worse. It does say that only the railing is holding it up!
Maybe that is a reporter’s opinion more than an engineer’s analysis, but it looks very iffy to me.
On a bridge. Up an embankment beside a canal? Lots of rain lately?
To shift 165T they will need a brace of big cranes, and some serious hard standing for them too, I imagine.
Someone will losing their Christmas bonus this year.