"Heavy Haulage through the years"

One for today, Buzzer


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Another oldie, Buzzer



Is that an AEC, Buzzer? The radiator/grill sort of gives it away.

Looks vey much like an AEC as the triangular badge gives it away, but the experts will give the model etc SDU, cheers Buzzer

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It’s an AEC Mammoth ‘Longline’: 60 years ahead of the game! :rofl:

Joking apart, it appears to be an AEC Mammoth ‘special’ with a crew cab. Lovely beast!

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As you say, years ahead of its time if you could brag to people that you had got the UK’s first sleeper cab. :rofl:

But I wouldn’t have knocked it back, back in the day. On general haulage, tramping criss crossing the country with a very comfy bed along the crew bench. Some frilly curtains and away y’go. :joy:


Can’t help feeling that I would have taken a slightly wider swing with that outfit and load, I am a little nervous for the future of at least one of those bollards. :thinking:

Unless of course he has the benefit of the rear steers, that we can’t see. :smiley:

Yes, I too wondered at his trajectory. Perhaps he slackened the steering to take the unit closer to the kerb at the crossing. He wouldn’t have to worry about that boom fouling on the lamp standard. :thinking:

Of course he could always be doing a brilliant job of reversing it into the side road :upside_down_face:

Yes! Now his positioning makes complete sense.

Yes of course, hadn’t thought of that, can anyone blow it up enough to see where he is looking? If it was his left hand mirror he might be doing that, but if the right hand one, could be either. :rofl:

We need the Pigott driver to step forward from his retirement and put the whole world out of its misery. :wink: :thinking:

Did he make a perfect manoeuvre or were there 2 flat bollards and a belisha beacon after he completed whatever he was doing? :rofl:

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I tried to brighten the picture a little but it is still not easy to determine where he is looking.

When zooming in even closer, the quality reduces further.

I enlarged it as much as I could is there a second man in the cab ?

I’m sure there is

If he was reversing I would have expected him to be out assisting the driver

What? A banksman without a dayglow tabbard? Tut :rofl:

The driver appears to be leaning towards the window, so he could be looking out and back, if so, that is one point in reversing’s favour. :thinking:

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This is what happens when I try to be facetious :roll_eyes:

We’ll forgive you your facetiousness if that’s your Bentley he’s just backed into. It would also explain why the banksman stayed in the cab :smiley: