"Heavy Haulage through the years"

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Combine harvester delivery back in the day :wink:

This Scania must have been an impressive sight back in the day, seen here in winterclothing.

Thornycroft Mighty Antar


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Yes but, without looking back at it, or from the bloke that pointed me in that direction, I thought they said there were 3 or 4 produced but the one in the States, NJ I think, which is to be restored, is the last one. Didn’t they say it was for Concorde or something? Hardly think that they would need something as beefy as that though.

Aah cheers! How did the Antar performed?

Not sure how many of those they’ve built, I’ll see if I can find out some more about it. The engine defitenely has got my attention, V16 DD, now that must have made an impressing sound!

HI patrick
In one word in my opion TERRIBLE


Not really up to the task then? What was the main problem that you had with it? I suspect it had something to do with the engine?

From the archives

Another one from the archive

That’s right I think was a Rover Meteorite but i’m not sure to long ago

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Looks brand new to me, Buzzer nmp’s

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I think the Thornycroft Mighty Antar had the18-litre Rover Meteorite V8 250bhp with twin radiators. I remember reading somewhere that drivers struggled with the steering and often used two drivers to operate it. It was also very wide. I also seem to remember reading once that there was a petrol engined version that did three gallons to the mile. Someone will know! :grinning:

EDIT to add that I’ve just had a peep at Wiki and yes, the early version supplied to the army had a petrol version of the engine. After that it was a diesel version of the V12 Meteor engine cut down to V8 and dubbed Meteorite. The final version of the Antar with the narrower bonnet had a Rolls Royce straight-eight C8SFL diesel engine. Hope that helps!

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Found an old add of Van Driessche, with what was the biggest trailer at the time apparently in the Benelux.

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This Oshkosh was used in Spain in the 60s.

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Van Driessche of Gent also had a 3MW-cabbed ERF!


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This looks like a nice bit of kit.

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A Turhus-Maskin Volvo from Norway.

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Here’s one for you Patrick

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