? [quote=“franglais, post: 80011.5L8001, topic:127543”]
there doesn’t look like much ballast on the two units
The front one’s got what looks like a fair lump of concrete, over the drive. The second one doesn’t need ballast, it has a dolly on the turntable, imposing max legal weight on the drive.
I saw that lump but is that big enough for 3 axles?
I think I’ve seen bigger lumps on fewer axles. Or am I wrong?
And it appears that the next last axle on both units is a sleeper, (the hubs look different) so why have the lump so far back? Weight on the dead axle is just useless.
Thanks Johnny, I thought I recognised the name from way back in my tipper days in the E.Mids. No mention of tippers now though I see but pleased to see them still thriving.
I’m not a 100% sure, but I think this was a one-off. After active service, it was parked up in a yard, and just very recently, the decision was made to restore it.
*edit; just watched that clip that you posted of it @spardo , most interesting.