Heath Robinson in the 21st Century

Made me smile anyway. :grinning:

Meanwhile the average 21st century car thief can gain access and start the car and drive it away with just something like the phone to hack the computerised security system.

All you need to gain entry to the average house is a bit of metal with some notches cut into it.

Car theft is much lower now than 20 years ago, in spite of there being more cars around now.

too bad its completely blocking his mirror or at least it looks like it is

trouble is 20 years ago it wasn’t so easy to buy a car but with all the payday loans and hp companies pretty much anyone can get their hands on some form of vehicle.

driving through the local council estate near where i live you wont see many cars that are under an 18 plate and those that are tend to be special editions or “classic” cars.

Where technology has improved car security is the need for all the electronic gizmo’s to be matched up so there probably aren’t as many chop shops around etc.

The cars that are being stolen on a regular basis is the true classics or high end cars.

Im sure you have heard the story of Bentley producing a car and had a competition to see if it could be stolen. Lots of ex car thieves turned up and no one could steal it in the time allowed even though all they had to do was move it off the podium. Then one guy came a long and cut the handbrake cable and pushed it off the podium.

Never heard that story before, but I do like it!

The whole idea of Heath Robinson was to design an extravagant machine to perform a simple task. Just lock the chuffing car when you leave!
The carefully moulded finger identical to the car’s owner, brilliant. Hence the big green box obscuring the mirror of course.