I have to write my new Will this week according to my doctor.
This Friday coming I am having heart micro surgery where via a main artery in the groin they are sending in the camera a laser and a grab to remove a lump of muscle from my left Ventricle after they have stopped my heart !!! ( i have to agree to them killing me temporary). When done the heart is restarted (bloody hopefully!) and all the kit is removed I am free to go home 12 hours later. If the tests on the minute piece of muscle they have removed conclude what he thinks I am due to start on a modified Interferon type drug costing the NHS a fortune (£1200) every week till I die ( finally i get something from this ■■■■ govt)
Or if its not his number one guess I may be joining a trial of gene therapy , which involves injections of modified genes into the heart, which does not sound good to me, but cheap at about £4k for the course)
The odds of not getting through all this is about 100-1 on average, but as until two years ago i was fit and healthy and only just fifty my chances are lots better I have been told by the Professor.
So if after next Friday i stop posting you know why…and even with the missus being a doctor and trying to allieviate my fears I am terrified .
However NOW the good new !
My Professor, who is the most senior in the UK about my condition says if all goes well i should be able to lead a near normal life and regain a reasonable level of fitness if his first guess is right (at present one flight of stairs near kills me ) , so in his opinion its possible i could get my licences back in the future.
If I dont make it, well …keep on taking the ■■■■ out of those that deserve it and please have a glass or two for me.