good as long as every thing ok,and they send forms back pronto you should get every thing back within a month,dvla were quit quick
which was a surprise
but there you go.its up to what ever the consultant cardio has put in your report, fingers cross every thing ok for you
crikey a month, i’ll be hounding them before that, cardio said he was very happy with he saw but he has no say in whether i can drive or not as it up to the dvla doc to decide
yeh,the dvla doc should be one of the consultants at the hosp,and its what they write on the paper work that the dvla read.Any way every thing will be ok In other words they sub the work out to different docs in hospitals.
i asked how much it would cost for the same test if i was paying for it and the doc said “you wouldnt get much change from £350”, thank you dvla for the free experiance of it but i do not wish to have it again
I second that,but we all like a freebee now and again.