at one of my collection points i fell from the top step to the bottom[about 8 steps] and hit my head on the concrete[forehead],cutting my forehead in various places,black eyes etc,i can remember shutting the door,turning around and then hitting the concrete,my next memory was sitting in the truck thinking where are my keys,then for whatever reason it came to me that id fallen so had to go back and find keys as theyd come out my hands when id fallen.
that night when i went to the hospital and got checked the doctor who saw me was very concerned as i had no injuries to my hands,she said whenever anyone falls there first reaction is to put there hands out to save there self,so you normally get scratches,grazes to hands,ive none.
she then started to query if id had a black out,im not daft so straight away alarm bells started ringing,lisence suspended,job gone, so told her i remember everything,i understand her concerns but never had a blackout,i just think i tripped,missed step.
what i want to know is if it was a blackout[i really cant see it], how do you stand,licence more than anything .ta
Are you back on the cider and drink driving again ady?
That usually has the effect of making you fall over and then wake up later wondering where you are.
Most likely just missed a step. 8 step fall dont know you would have time to react. As far the licence if it is anything like here they suspect you blacked out ; they pull your licence till a medical professional tells them you are fit to drive. Concussion would be what I am thinking is why you dont remember the details. Be careful.
Most likely just missed a step. 8 step fall dont know you would have time to react. As far the licence if it is anything like here they suspect you blacked out ; they pull your licence till a medical professional tells them you are fit to drive. Concussion would be what I am thinking is why you dont remember the details. Be careful.
Rob K:
Are you back on the cider and drink driving again ady?That usually has the effect of making you fall over and then wake up later wondering where you are.
as with all things you become addicted to,it can be a very difficult journey when you try to leave those things behind you,some weeks good,some not so,this paticular day week no i had not been on the cider,i dont normally fall over when im drunk,i just fall asleep,pub ,doorway or wherever.
the craving never goes away but does diminish with time
Rob K:
Are you back on the cider and drink driving again ady?That usually has the effect of making you fall over and then wake up later wondering where you are.
as with all things you become addicted to,it can be a very difficult journey when you try to leave those things behind you,some weeks good,some not so,this paticular day week no i had not been on the cider,i dont normally fall over when im drunk,i just fall asleep,pub ,doorway or wherever.
the craving never goes away but does diminish with time
I had blackout(not driving at thetime)-lost hgv for 5 years,now got it back,basically the DVLA are been over cautious.You should tell them,you dont want a blackout whilst driving and the worst happening.
I had a blackout although not at the wheel ( was at home) my whole licence was revoked by DVLA took several month to sort out had quite a lot of test but got there in the end & got licence back when I reapplied for it although they did want a Dr report
Did have CT scans MRI EEG & ECG blood taken etc but everything was within there parameters
My advice is go & speak with your GP see what they have to say
What’s the difference between bodily injury & medical payments on an auto insurance policy? Is medical for the med bills the other party receives & bodily injury is for the settlement of the claim, pain & suffering and the settlement of permanent residuals? Thanks.
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