Just a new thread about a little girl called Hayley Okine who has a rare illness called “Progeria” .
This means that she (and there are only just over 100 other people in the world with this illness) age very quickly and have a short lifespan and I saw this little grl on the TV a couple of years ago and she also had an article in “The Daily Mail” a few weeks ago.
Without going in to detail about this illness I would ask that anyone reading this thread goes to www.HayleysProgeriaPage.com to have a look at the website of this brave little girl as she is only 10 years old and is a little star as she has had a lot to contend with in her short life.
This is not a fundraising act for this little girl as it is just another thread to look at and as I would say to count our blessings as we all have a whinge and moan at times about how hard done by we sometimes feel but without being condescending to any one it puts things in perspective and makes you think that there is always someone out there a lot worse than yourself.
Some might say I am just being sentimental but as a dad and a granddad with 4 grandchildren my heart goes out to Hayley and her parents of this lovely little girl and I am not ashamed to say I shed a few tears for this little girl when I looked at the website.
Saw a programme about this sweet child some time ago, what a brave little girl she is , She went to a get together of other children with the same complaint and like you my heart was breaking for them all. Maybe when the next Trucknet party is held, a collection or raffle could take place to help her and the other kids have some little treats.
I agree with you on this one also I wonder if the thread could be moved to another part of the site to get more interest in it ?
That decision rests with the moderators as it is still an item that could be discussed on the site and I do understand that it might open the floodgates for other requests etc. but if it gets more interest in the website then that must be a goood thing as we want more people to visit the site!
Were you at Truckfest @ Haydock this year as I came a couple of years ago to the first one at Haydock to help you put up your “gazebo” in a howling gale (remember) at least it stayed upright for the show!
Hi NEJ, no didnt go to Haydock, I didnt like the set up there and decided to give it a miss, this time of the year its too late to camp out, Haydock is mostly hard standing as you may know and my last time there I was in dispute with the model people who had taken some of my space. The lady truckers have done Peterboro, shepton and scotland this year and in spite of the “inclemant hehe” weather we had brilliant times.
I do hope something can be done for Haleys project, its a worthy cause
saw the programe about her or a girl like here and it does really make you realise how lucky you are to be fit and healthy .
remember waiting for the results of tests for spina biffada[ think that was it], worst weeks of my life thinking what we would do if the results came back positive.
think youve got to be a very special person to bring up and care for a child with a serious illness or diability .
aunty did it with our cousin who was born with thalidomine , always jolly and happy and never complained once , as i say , special people