Having problems replying

I’ve tried to reply to people on my Donny and sofa delivery threads but I keep getting some red writing at the top with error something . What am I doing wrong ?

Fulham FC:
I’ve tried to reply to people on my Donny and sofa delivery threads but I keep getting some red writing at the top with error something . What am I doing wrong ?

You usually get that if you include too many quotes at once.

It could be that. Can you let us know what the error that comes up is.

this forum is monitored well so maybe try posting the error message you get.

I realise this may necesitate you having to start a new thread but your more than welcome to pm myself with the error code and i can post it for you.

It could be that. Can you let us know what the error that comes up is.

you delt with it as i was replying sorry