Having a pet as a lorry driver

Hiya all, this may seen a weird one. But As a lorry driver it may seem lonely, is it legal to have a cat who is restrained by a leash attached to a seat?

Thank you.

As long as he puts his tacho card in slot two it’s fine…

Seriously, how many cats are likely to enjoy that? Mine certainly wouldn’t.

I had a driver who took her dog with her - she did nights out as a lone female driver so I reckoned her dog was a bit of a security measure - but he was trained to jump into his pet carrier behind the seat if she gave the word. I’ve no idea how DVSA would respond to that

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from the highway code
Rule 57. When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard are ways of restraining animals in cars

as to taking a cat i live about 1/4 of a mile from the vets my cat would of screamed its self horse crapped and peed all over its carrier long before i get to the vet. I cant imagine the boss being happy with his lorry smelling of cat waste or anyone else that has to use it.

if you find driving lonely and cant wait 4.5 hours to find someone to talk to i suggest finding a job that has a drivers mate or double maned.

To be honest it sounds a bit cruel to me.

I used to have a lorry driver as a pet. Fun while it lasted but he had to go as he was virtually untrainable and growled and grunted at everyone he encountered. Don’t even get me started on his toiletry habits :rage::rage:


Although I did once attempt to have a pet as a lorry driver. The results weren’t impressive tbh, he showed scant regard for tacho regulations and a very cavalier attitude to load security.

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O/p …
Can see your Mrs taking a dim view of you taking your own pussy away with you in your truck…just saying.

Try taking a dog instead, dont worry about the smell in the cab…

(It will eventually get used to it.)

I’m here all week.:sunglasses:

Just to add I thought I had heard everything from drivers in this job…it seems not.:roll_eyes:

Robroy? :wink:


Probably find no one has used your motor after taking a week off work though.

As someone with an allergy to cats, it’d be a no from me.

Not at all cats from young if take in a vehicle regularly get used to it and adapt, they are very adaptive creatures. You would really need to have a fixed cage or something for travelling over here though to stoke the cat from being in the way while driving.

There are plenty of truck drivers and off grid van lifers that have cats that travel the world with them, but it would need leash training and walking to get it’s exercise to ensure you didn’t lose the cat, but with training a cat can also be allowed to free roam as well.

But mostly it would all depend on the companies rules and rules of the places you deliver to as most say no animals kids etc, mind they let in a good percentage of truck drivers you wouldn’t let in anywhere when you look at the state of most of them :joy::joy:

Probably mostly foreign truck drivers that have cats most over here would have a dog most likely but I’d bet there are some who do have cats too.

The OP is clearly talking about tramping. No one would take a cat to work each day for a ride out. :joy:

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Oh come on seriously guys you really think someone who is a day or night driver would really consider taking a cat to work with them everyday?

Oh the mind boggles unless I’m mistaken and the OP meant as a day or night driver just I seriously doubt it :joy::joy:

At our place he/she’d be expected to pull their weight…

Looking at the eyes, very impressed with the level of alert and defensive driving.

Back to the question though, I have 2 dogs who love the car and race to be the first to leap into it, both are restrained, not sure about a cat though, but all animals are different and I would think that as long as the lead did not allow it to invade your driving space, I can’t see anything wrong with it legally, but I could be wrong. But make very sure the cat agrees.

I’m amazed most people are taking this seriously.:smiley:
The guy is obviously on a wind up I would say.
I mean c’mon…who TF in their right mind would think it acceptable…(let alone normal) to take a 'kin cat away with them in a truck. :roll_eyes: :joy:

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I’ve seen Youtube videos of American truck drivers doing precisely that, they have cats or dogs with them in the cab on long runs.

Back in the 70s there was a driver on a firm I worked for who always took his dog to work with him, fortunately he was the only one who drove the lorry, I say fortuneately because it reeked to high heaven :frowning_face:

I’ve long given up being surprised at what people will or won’t do.

I used to take my dog when I first started.
But a cat ffs?
At least you can control a dog, a cat just does what the hell it likes, …is that safe or even appropriate in a truck on the road.
As for the Yanks, nothing ever surprises me.