have you ever

have you ever banged onto a bay, took keys in, sat down, waited, then someone from the other side of the window calls your bay number, and asks you to move over cause the plate wont go down…I have…■■■■

Lesson 5 (possibly :stuck_out_tongue: ) in becoming a so-called professional driver is to check the dock leveller will fit in the back before handing in keys. :wink:

I have done similar. handed keys in sat down, noticed the clerks are all looking out the window and talking and calling out a bay number.
When they called My reg I had to do the walk of shame and move onto the right bay

Rob K:
Lesson 5 (possibly :stuck_out_tongue: ) in becoming a so-called professional driver is to check the dock leveller will fit in the back before handing in keys. :wink:

Yeah I do this and also I will adjust trailer height so its roughly level with the ramp, it doesn’t take long and you know you shouldn’t get disturbed again. :wink:

It helps if you also open the doors. :blush:

Sugar Ray:
It helps if you also open the doors. :blush:

Some of our trailers have shutter doors but some drivers think that they don’t have to open them, well I personally think that’s a bit ignorant assuming warehouse staff will open them, one day a driver of ours was made to go back out pull off the bay open his shutter door and then go back on the bay again.

bald bloke:

Sugar Ray:
It helps if you also open the doors. :blush:

Some of our trailers have shutter doors but some drivers think that they don’t have to open them, well I personally think that’s a bit ignorant assuming warehouse staff will open them, one day a driver of ours was made to go back out pull off the bay open his shutter door and then go back on the bay again.

But many places will not want you to open roller doors, that is the idea of them, back onto a bay, they check and break the seal and open up, if you open the door you are opening yourself up to a theft or damage charge, especially if the load falls on you.

Sugar Ray:
It helps if you also open the doors. :blush:

I did that on Monday :blush:

Wheel Nut:

bald bloke:

Sugar Ray:
It helps if you also open the doors. :blush:

Some of our trailers have shutter doors but some drivers think that they don’t have to open them, well I personally think that’s a bit ignorant assuming warehouse staff will open them, one day a driver of ours was made to go back out pull off the bay open his shutter door and then go back on the bay again.

But many places will not want you to open roller doors, that is the idea of them, back onto a bay, they check and break the seal and open up, if you open the door you are opening yourself up to a theft or damage charge, especially if the load falls on you.

This^ When I was pulling roller shutter trailers, until recently, we never opened them for those reasons, closed when we pulled onto the bay and usually closed when we pulled off. Saves time and inconvenience, get bay number from security and drive round and back straight on without the delay of an extra stop or partially blocking the yard or other bays while you open the shutter. That was also why they used to have lads at the gate to retrieve your number plate while you were booking in.

Wheel Nut:

bald bloke:

Sugar Ray:
It helps if you also open the doors. :blush:

Some of our trailers have shutter doors but some drivers think that they don’t have to open them, well I personally think that’s a bit ignorant assuming warehouse staff will open them, one day a driver of ours was made to go back out pull off the bay open his shutter door and then go back on the bay again.

But many places will not want you to open roller doors, that is the idea of them, back onto a bay, they check and break the seal and open up, if you open the door you are opening yourself up to a theft or damage charge, especially if the load falls on you.

I hear what you’re saying but we don’t have seals anyway.


Wheel Nut:

bald bloke:

Sugar Ray:
It helps if you also open the doors. :blush:

Some of our trailers have shutter doors but some drivers think that they don’t have to open them, well I personally think that’s a bit ignorant assuming warehouse staff will open them, one day a driver of ours was made to go back out pull off the bay open his shutter door and then go back on the bay again.

But many places will not want you to open roller doors, that is the idea of them, back onto a bay, they check and break the seal and open up, if you open the door you are opening yourself up to a theft or damage charge, especially if the load falls on you.

This^ When I was pulling roller shutter trailers, until recently, we never opened them for those reasons, closed when we pulled onto the bay and usually closed when we pulled off. Saves time and inconvenience, get bay number from security and drive round and back straight on without the delay of an extra stop or partially blocking the yard or other bays while you open the shutter. That was also why they used to have lads at the gate to retrieve your number plate while you were booking in.

Good system. I approve.

when I was shunting in yard I banged one on with doors shut. George bellows out…“aint you going to open the doors jimmy?” I replied, “you want me to open the ■■■■■■■ doors as WELL george?” we had a laugh about it. :blush: :blush: :blush:

aye ok rob, that was years ago when i was a bit naive. suppose youve never done that. by the way I like your comments. ive never spoken to a perfect person before. can I have your autograph?

Sugar Ray:
It helps if you also open the doors. :blush:

I did that this week!

Backed on the bay, just about to nod off in cab and there’s a knock at the door “we can’t tip you with only 1 of your back doors open driver”

How stupid did I feel :blush:

jimmy m:
aye ok rob, that was years ago when i was a bit naive. suppose youve never done that. by the way I like your comments. ive never spoken to a perfect person before. can I have your autograph?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: There’s only so many you put up with “driver on bay x, can you straighten up on the bay so we can get the ramp in please” before you think ■■■■ this ■■■■ for a game of soldiers and just make sure it’s lined up before you in in future! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And am afraid no autographs are forthcoming as I am far from perfect. In fact it was only 3 hours ago that I reversed on a bay in Huddersfield to drop a trailer and then realised I couldn’t get to the ■■■■■■■ number plate. :angry: Well I could, but I got covered in ■■■■ and banged my head on the curtain ratchet as I was crawling out. Well annoyed. :angry:

Rob K:

jimmy m:
aye ok rob, that was years ago when i was a bit naive. suppose youve never done that. by the way I like your comments. ive never spoken to a perfect person before. can I have your autograph?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: There’s only so many you put up with “driver on bay x, can you straighten up on the bay so we can get the ramp in please” before you think [zb] this [zb] for a game of soldiers and just make sure it’s lined up before you in in future! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And am afraid no autographs are forthcoming as I am far from perfect. In fact it was only 3 hours ago that I reversed on a bay in Huddersfield to drop a trailer and then realised I couldn’t get to the [zb] number plate. :angry: Well I could, but I got covered in [zb] and banged my head on the curtain ratchet as I was crawling out. Well annoyed. :angry:

I did just that last Sunday :blush:

bald bloke:

Rob K:
Lesson 5 (possibly :stuck_out_tongue: ) in becoming a so-called professional driver is to check the dock leveller will fit in the back before handing in keys. :wink:

Yeah I do this and also I will adjust trailer height so its roughly level with the ramp, it doesn’t take long and you know you shouldn’t get disturbed again. :wink:

^^^^x1, our teardrop trailers are so crap we HAVE to do this, as the bumper is around 6 inches off the ground and the floor is about a metre. The airbags have a job to go up to the same level as unloading bays. Lawrence David trailers, your teardrop trailers are complete ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ whoever designed them needs hanging from a lamp-post by their testicles, and whoever bought them and said, yep, theyre perfect, at DHL needs stringing up next to him.