Have these people nothing to do or what

henleystandard.co.uk/news/e … -hgvs.html

Love the name of the guy helping this ■■■■ busy body woman…Mr Dickie, very apt.
I’ve just got a mental picture of him,… and I bet they’re both ‘Covid marshalls’ :laughing:

It’s because of people like this that we no longer have town centre truck parks,… it’s become so normal that saying that phrase ‘Town centre truck parks’ even sounds strange to me now. :unamused:
I think we need some kind of national PR campaign to explain the necessity and importance of trucks, we don’t just all drive around on some kind of tourist trip.
I’m often shouted at '‘You should not be down these roads with that thing’, ‘Ok, tell the farmer to stop ordering stuff’…how tf does she know they ain’t legit delivery routes these trucks are running ffs.
'kin clowns. :unamused:

Looking at the comments she ain’t getting the reaction she perceived.

Mrs Chumas has already gathered 1,400 signatures with an online petition

Knowing how the internet works, I can confidently predict that at least 1380 of the signed don’t even live in that town :unamused:

They want to spend £125K on an ANPR system to spot “legitimate” kitten squashing machines!?

So basically taxpayers in Oxfordshire will be paying for a system that threatens transport companies and drivers with fines, unless they can dig out paperwork from weeks ago proving they were legit.

I wonder how local companies will react such as “sorry we don’t deliver to Henley” anymore. I assume they dont have any large shops like supermarkets, else each time a delivery is made to say Sainsbury’s, the transport office will get a threatening letter.

Also have they worked out how many of those trucks are actually delivering in a 5 mile radius? Maybe most are, which kindof defeats their logic.

But ultimately its Oxfordshire - posh version of Londonistan. Anti car, so can’t imagine the purple faces each time a wagon goes through. But non Euro 6 vans and cars of course are fine.

I never use Henley as a 'rat run ’

Can’t see why anyone would.

Most the trucks going through are prob delivering in the area.

These people should stop buying stuff.

What gets me about these clowns is that nearly all of them will use the likes of amazon prime, will complain about any delivery time over 2 days when they order stuff and yet also seem totally oblivious as to how all this stuff gets moved about in order to get to their doorstep

She might have a point but I think life is too short to worry about things like this

Never mind the fact that the owners of these vehicles pay a lot of money to have them on the road.

Looking at the comments trucks seem fairly popular in good old Henly. Next weeks COVID Safe parish hall meeting should be interesting, kin nimbys.

The residents and businesses of Henley, Bath etc won’t like it when they find that their postcode attracts a 40% premium on delivery charges to compensate for the extra mileage costs their ‘lorry bans’ create nationally. I can hear the howls of: ‘it isn’t fair’ from here. :smiley:

I had an older couple knock on my door wanting my signature to get lorries banned from the industrial estate next door . They were new residents , just bought a bungalow on our road . “So you want to put 50men out of work for you’re convenience then “ was my answer . They came to the wrong house , me having heard that attitude all my life . They were invited to go forth and multiply forthwith .

I had an older couple knock on my door wanting my signature to get lorries banned from the industrial estate next door . They were new residents , just bought a bungalow on our road . “So you want to put 50men out of work for you’re convenience then “ was my answer . They came to the wrong house , me having heard that attitude all my life . They were invited to go forth and multiply forthwith .

You’ll be ‘the nasty man who lives in no 12’ then. They’ll be telling everyone else that ‘people like that shouldn’t be allowed to live in a neighbourhood like this… they lower the tone you know’.

Anyway how are you?

The residents and businesses of Henley, Bath etc won’t like it when they find that their postcode attracts a 40% premium on delivery charges to compensate for the extra mileage costs their ‘lorry bans’ create nationally.

God if that was true, I’d ■■■■ myself laughing. : :laughing:
It would serve the ■■■■ s right.

The loaded elite will always get their way, Burford and Chipping Norton are also well to do areas. Maybe have a survey day where the police pull trucks into a layby or similar just outside town, and quickly ask where they’re going to and from and let them carry on, they might be surprised at how many are genuinely delivering to the local area as I can’t see why Henley would be used as a rat run.

short walk:
Looking at the comments trucks seem fairly popular in good old Henly. Next weeks COVID Safe parish hall meeting should be interesting, kin nimbys.

Considering Henley is in quite a desirable location to live, and from what I’ve seen is quite a well to do place, the comments actually make a refreshing change. Obviously many of the realistically see that most trucks passing through Henley have either delivered there or in the surrounding area. I too, would not even consider using the place as a cut through unless I was already in the immediate area. That left turn at the pub that goes down to the riverfront is enough to put me off it!

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That last post captured one of the main problems. Its a tight turn coming off Bell Street to go down New Street towards the river. Artics are running out of room and mounting the kerb which has caused damage.

The other issue being a lot of the buildings on New Street are centuries old and can’t take the punishment of HGV’s running past them on a regular basis - apparently.

I don’t live in Henley, but my mother does, she filled me in with a few details. I asked why the road hadn’t been made 7.5 ton except for access, but she didn’t know. All I saw today during my brief visit was a Waitrose lorry, a Lenhams rigid delivering in the same car park as Waitrose and the odd rigid tipper. Not that bad. I can’t see how you would want to use Henley as a rat run as it’s surrounded by tiny villages but then I don’t live or work here so can’t put myself in that situation.

Can’t see ANPR working.

I had an awful drop in Angel Lane in Hayes earlier, the only business on a residential street which was 7.5t except for loading. Pulled up on single yellows in the only place I could close to the delivery point without blocking anything and clocked a Doris with her phone, curtain twitching and within minutes a traffic warden arrived. He said she’d got a direct number and is a right pain before telling me to crack on as I wasn’t doing anything wrong but turning up gets her off his back :laughing:

Suffice to say I was under almost constant surveillance by her the whole time which was nice as it slowed me down, even had a brew with the chap out the front of his shop :laughing:

It’s a long long time since I visted Henley regularly, 50+ years infact, but I’m guessing it would only be trucks coming from Wallingford to the area of Maidenhead or accessing the M4 at Maidenhead Thicket that would use the town as a through route anyway? There are easy alternatives for other routes from the M40/Oxford area via High Wycombe and Marlow. I thought that the bridge was once weight limited (wasn’t there a sign about ‘Heavy Locomotives’ etc restrictions on it when I was at college there in the 60’s?) but presumably it isn’t any longer. I don’t know if there are weight restrictions on the roads coming from the Reading side via Shiplake or from Twyford/A4 via Wargrave and past Marsh Mill though? Bloody hell, I’m ancient! :blush:


It would be funny if someone started a petition for a 24 hour truck stop at the back of the miserable old hags garden
:imp: :imp: :imp:

I had an awful drop in Angel Lane in Hayes earlier, the only business on a residential street which was 7.5t except for loading. Pulled up on single yellows in the only place I could close to the delivery point without blocking anything and clocked a Doris with her phone, curtain twitching and within minutes a traffic warden arrived. He said she’d got a direct number and is a right pain before telling me to crack on as I wasn’t doing anything wrong but turning up gets her off his back :laughing:

Suffice to say I was under almost constant surveillance by her the ehole time which was nice as it slowed me down, even had a brew with the chap out the front of his shop :laughing:

Just before getting back in the cab, you should have dropped yer kecks, bent over, and give her the full ‘‘moon experience’’ as a parting shot. :laughing:


I had an awful drop in Angel Lane in Hayes earlier, the only business on a residential street which was 7.5t except for loading. Pulled up on single yellows in the only place I could close to the delivery point without blocking anything and clocked a Doris with her phone, curtain twitching and within minutes a traffic warden arrived. He said she’d got a direct number and is a right pain before telling me to crack on as I wasn’t doing anything wrong but turning up gets her off his back :laughing:

Suffice to say I was under almost constant surveillance by her the ehole time which was nice as it slowed me down, even had a brew with the chap out the front of his shop :laughing:

Just before getting back in the cab, you should have dropped yer kecks, bent over, and give her the full ‘‘moon experience’’ as a parting shot. :laughing:

Yeah but she’d get that wet the road would flood :wink: