looking for a haulage operator (multi vehicle) to transport 1500t of clamped silage from Malmesbury, Wilts to Pontesbury, Shrops in the Autumn of 2017.
Silage will have been clamped and compacted during the summer and will need relocating for reclamping and feeding to cows in the Autumn. Loading would be from a roadside concrete pad with high capacity materials handler. Tipping will be on concrete yard easily accessible by artics. Loading would take 20 minutes maximum, unloading would be tip and leave, no waiting, immediate turnaround. I anticipate this will require several (4-5?) artics and we would be happy for the operation to run continuous until completed if an operator wanted to put drivers on shifts to keep lorries running - loading and unloading facilities can be 24 hr/day. Alternatively, this could be organised to run as 2 stages of 750t each time. The silage will be around 650kg/m3 so achieving max load wont be an issue.
If interested or further information, reply here or email me on colin@longdenmanorfarms.co.uk
Maybe best for a walking floor?
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Autumn 2017? Likely a bit far out for most operators.
Have a try with A W JENKINGSON they had a yard at Tetbury
Thanks for the replies and the emails I have had - hopefuly get something sorted
These haulage firms may be able to do it ;
Broughton transport formerly Mortimers ltd near Melksham , ask for Toby Ovens .
AJ Brunt transport near Frome .
Ross Garret transport Frome .
Massey Wilcox transport Chilcompton.
A farmer friend of mine has normally a dozen or so running around with walking floors feeding AD plants.
£600 a day iirc
These haulage firms may be able to do it ;
Broughton transport formerly Mortimers ltd near Melksham , ask for Toby Ovens .
AJ Brunt transport near Frome .
Ross Garret transport Frome .
Massey Wilcox transport Chilcompton.
Pretty sure none of these can handle bulk!
J.J. & S at Calne have a large fleet of their own plus subcontractors.
Rode Haulage near from run 7 plus subcontractors.
Carpenters of Crudwell are on your doorstep with half a dozen lorries.
A.W. Jenkinsons have satellite depots at Chippenham and Tetbury with walking floors, maybe a good shout as I think they run worship out of Shropshire so may fit their schedule.
Witney Grain have an office in Devizes and use a large subcontractor list to move their grain, could be worth a shout if they may act as an agent for you.
2017… Wonder if I can do my operators CPC, get my own licence and a lorry by then…