Has this happen to you

On Thursday I collected my load from Turnhout and headed to ostend to catch the Ramsgate ferry as the frogs were on strike. Got back in uk at 1800 I had 3.5 hours to left to run. So off i set to Rochdale I did well got to J2 M6 i knew there was a tescos there and 2 lay bys luckly there was one gap just right for me so off i went to tescos got myself something to eat. By now it was 2200 time to get my head down. At 0615 there was a knock on my door the man said your on my pitch mate i said wot he said you have to move to corley services i have been here for 20 years.We had a bit of a heated discussion it ended with telling him i would phone the police and tell them wot was going on but idid not .He set up further up the layby i left at 0730 CAN ANYBODY TELL ME WOT THE POLICE MIGHT OF DONE TO THE SNACK BAR OWNER :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Ordered a bacon butty and coffee I guess :open_mouth:

The chap in Waltham Abbey does the same, wakes the driver up and tells em to scoot!

I told him in no uncertain terms if he woke me up again i’d drive over his ■■■■■ kitchen and him too if he was in it!!!

Why reg:
Ordered a bacon butty and coffee I guess :open_mouth:


Just tell them to shine their burger van up real nice and shove it up their (insert word here)

although they may have a licence to trade from that spot it doesnt give them a right to move people on.

There was one time I was parked over night in a crappy wee industrial estate in Edinburgh. I was just at the side of the road and didn’t see a problem where I was. I wasn’t starting till after 8am the following day so I spent a good 15 minutes driving around the estate trying to pick the best spot so not to cause anyone any hassle (opposite entrances etc).

Anyway I get so fed up with the trucks constantly stopping beside me for ages that I finally get up at just before 7am. There was this prick in a burger van who had set up shop on the other side of the road from me just a couple feet away from the back end of the trailer. Which resulted in it being physically impossible for an artic to drive through due to the small gap he had left.

These ■■■■■■■ burger van owners think they can do what ever the ■■■■ they want and if he had banged my door I’m quite sure I would have told him to get his head out his arse and to ■■■■ off a further 5 feet down the road.

Roll n’ sausage and a Tea please, mate

i had that in a layby in St Ives, Cambs., at 6am, the ■■■■■■ was banging on my door like a good un :open_mouth:

he told me to move as i was parked in his spot :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i asked him if he actually owned that particular spot, NO

did he pay rent to the council for that particular spot, NO

am i gonna move for him, NO

i also told him if he banged on my door again like that when my curtains were shut, i would get out and start banging on his front teeth :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

he very quietly went back to his car and waited for me to go :laughing:

i had that in a layby in St Ives, Cambs., at 6am, the ■■■■■■ was banging on my door like a good un :open_mouth:

he told me to move as i was parked in his spot :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i asked him if he actually owned that particular spot, NO

did he pay rent to the council for that particular spot, NO

am i gonna move for him, NO

i also told him if he banged on my door again like that when my curtains were shut, i would get out and start banging on his front teeth :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

he very quietly went back to his car and waited for me to go :laughing:

dear me shuttle!!! what are you like!! telling him you would bang on his front teeth “shame on you old boy shame on you”
i would have just bang"d on his front teeth :cry: first then told him not to disturb ME !! :sunglasses:

globby 480:

i had that in a layby in St Ives, Cambs., at 6am, the ■■■■■■ was banging on my door like a good un :open_mouth:

he told me to move as i was parked in his spot :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i asked him if he actually owned that particular spot, NO

did he pay rent to the council for that particular spot, NO

am i gonna move for him, NO

i also told him if he banged on my door again like that when my curtains were shut, i would get out and start banging on his front teeth :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

he very quietly went back to his car and waited for me to go :laughing:

dear me shuttle!!! what are you like!! telling him you would bang on his front teeth “shame on you old boy shame on you”
i would have just bang"d on his front teeth :cry: first then told him not to disturb ME !! :sunglasses:

yes, but i’m civilised :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

what ya trying to say :wink: :laughing: :laughing: thats fighting talk were we live you know shuttle, its a good job i have moved now :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

one of the salmonella vans just off j16 m6, on the A500, leaves a set of cones out overnight to protect ‘their’ pitch.

Olog Hai:
one of the salmonella vans just off j16 m6, on the A500, leaves a set of cones out overnight to protect ‘their’ pitch.

Because I have the mental age of a twelve year old I’d chuckle merrily to myself as I flattened them.

Olog Hai:
one of the salmonella vans just off j16 m6, on the A500, leaves a set of cones out overnight to protect ‘their’ pitch.

i wondered what they were there for a few months ago when i couldn’t find a space and they werent ‘protecting’ anything so i just moved them on to the grass and parked up. didn’t get a knock on the door but when i got up and went for my bacon sandwich and cup of tea got a frosty reception from the girl in the van at the end of the layby!

i did wonder why at the time but now i know :blush: :blush: :blush:

I’ll make sure to chuck them into the back of my trailer next time I pass :laughing: is that east or west bound? :stuck_out_tongue:

west i think it was, heading towards M6

Why not move them to the next layby? :smiling_imp:

“You sure you got the right spot guv?”…


Big ■■■■:
On Thursday I collected my load from Turnhout and headed to ostend to catch the Ramsgate ferry as the frogs were on strike. Got back in uk at 1800 I had 3.5 hours to left to run. So off i set to Rochdale I did well got to J2 M6 i knew there was a tescos there and 2 lay bys luckly there was one gap just right for me so off i went to tescos got myself something to eat. By now it was 2200 time to get my head down. At 0615 there was a knock on my door the man said your on my pitch mate i said wot he said you have to move to corley services i have been here for 20 years.We had a bit of a heated discussion it ended with telling him i would phone the police and tell them wot was going on but idid not .He set up further up the layby i left at 0730 CAN ANYBODY TELL ME WOT THE POLICE MIGHT OF DONE TO THE SNACK BAR OWNER :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Dont you have a bottle of that special truckers brew. It tends to get rid of pests, especially if it is still slightly warm. :stuck_out_tongue: I would have definately made my break into an 11 :wink:

in retaliation only…over the last few years,i’ve had the last laugh :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: done the “BUMP-TRAILER THING”… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Back in 1999 when i was selling my Scania unit, i parked it up for a few days with a For Sale sign in it in the lay by just accross the road from the local VOSA test station. Thinking lots of people coming and going from there in the haulage business would see it.
Its a very large and wide lay by on a B road. Had a regular butty van at at one end and i vaguely knew the owner having been a customer myself on occasions.
I’d parked the truck right down the other end, well tucked in as far out of anybody’s way as was possible.

After a few days i gets a call from this guy: can i shift my truck from “his” lay by as I’m blocking his customers from parking! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

When i got round to it i managed to shuffle it down about 2 feet :smiling_imp: