lol yep had similar year b4 last when delivering for a small company up in ipswich lol was downgraded to a transit for the day from the 7.5 and sent to Larling to collect turkey trays and when got there and gave the collection note was reveived with the words ok drive where’s your truck so i point to said transit to stares from most of the men there with the words of wisdom “They aint going to fit on that if you get half on you will be lucky " ( total to be collected 64 trays each about a metre long and half wide ( approx measurements ) ) so on phone to gaffer stating bloody obvious question to him why he send a ■■■■■■ when he knows what size these things are as this is apparently a frequent thing and words back where " well try and fit them on will you at least try " was like wtf is the point " try try” so tried and managed about 31 i think . so that put paid to that.“ok says boss drive to blah-blah”(forgot where now) to pick up 3 computer installation towers to be delivered to felixstowe with the immortal words that send alarm bells ringing " Hows high is it in the back " so i measure and give him the details ok get there to recieve stares yet again and those immortal words IT AINT GOING ON THERE.Picked up fone and rang gaffer with the great news hehehe and yet again" try to get them on will you lay them down or what ever just get them on " so pose this question to the forkies etc to the words “nope can do that they delicate” can we take them off pallets to fit them in ( this was reason why they not fit btw as the height i was given to see if they would fit didnt include the pallet height) oh yeah if i fancied lugging 750kgs each by myself hmmmmm nope forget that so gave that up as a bad idea and returned home to load up for next day.And just in th spirit of the day even that idea failed as no way was that van taking nearly 2000 kgs of silver trophies lol without blocks of wood inbetween axle and body work lol what a day but hey i got paid for it and the next day in 7.5 @ least i knew where i was going and what i was picking up/dropping off
has it ever happened to you ,you get a call from your boss to go and collect a full load. you get to the customer and find out that it’s only one pallet. well it happened to me today left mossend near glasgow to go to lochgelly in fife (over the 4th road bridge) your only talking an hours drive, gets to the customer tells them that i’m in for a full load for across the water (europe) he just laughed at me and said sorry pal i’m not laughing at you your only getting one pallet and your company has sent in 60feet of metal for one silly do you look when the company makes you look like an idiot, they must think to themselves what kind of people are running that company,especially when you have a rigid going past there front door.may i add that its DHL i work for, so yes have a laugh at my misfortune.( HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL THE TRUCKERS OUT THERE.HAVE A GOOD AND SAFE 2004
Yep. Work through a depot for Pall - Ex so I know just what you mean. Turned up the other day for A pallet. Turned out to be 35 of tiles. Made me smile when they asked if I could just do another collect . It’ll only take 28 tonnes. I had on just under that. I reguarly turn up for collects in an artic you could put a postage stamp on rather than charge a pallet space for. Ho hum, guess it keeps me in work though
has it ever happened to you ,you get a call from your boss to go and collect a full load. you get to the customer and find out that it’s only one pallet. well it happened to me today left mossend near glasgow to go to lochgelly in fife (over the 4th road bridge) your only talking an hours drive, gets to the customer tells them that i’m in for a full load for across the water (europe) he just laughed at me and said sorry pal i’m not laughing at you your only getting one pallet and your company has sent in 60feet of metal for one silly do you look when the company makes you look like an idiot, they must think to themselves what kind of people are running that company,especially when you have a rigid going past there front door.may i add that its DHL i work for, so yes have a laugh at my misfortune. ( HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL THE TRUCKERS OUT THERE.HAVE A GOOD AND SAFE 2004
I ran to Telford from Leicester and back to Norwich for “A load” in a 17 tonner. Turned out to be 2 pallets you could have put on a big transit.
The office whinged that the last time they sent a 7.5, there was 20 pallets, and the last time they sent an artic the “load” was 1 pallet. Can’t win can we.
I ran to Telford from Leicester and back to Norwich for “A load” in a 17 tonner. Turned out to be 2 pallets you could have put on a big transit.The office whinged that the last time they sent a 7.5, there was 20 pallets, and the last time they sent an artic the “load” was 1 pallet. Can’t win can we.
i think comunication is the word we are looking for, a little bit more of it might stop us drivers having wasted journeys. just think of the fuel that would be saved.
I was empty in Massachusetts, north of Boston one day and was sent to the top of New Hampshire for an urgent pick up of a load for Albany NY, it took 5 hours flat out to reach the pick up. it was a 4ftx4ft box, I had a 53ft trailer and it took me 8 hours driving next day to get to Albany. There is a vehicle limit of 72ft through Vermont so I had to use interstates right down to the mass state line and cross over to NY.
My pick up point in NH faced a river, on the other side was Canada.
I know just what you mean Kitkat, I do work for DHL as well, and the number of times we have been misinformed of the load size and weight.
I remember once being sent to a place in Uttoxeter to pick up a pallet for JCB Brazil, after a Sprinter had failed to pick the pallet as it was too tall for his van. (We were not informed of the extreme height) The customer refused to split the pallet and so it was loaded against my headboard. Sadly the single shrinkwrap did not hold it and when I next opened up the back I had a sea of little JCB’s everywhere. Needless to say they were repacked to 2 pallets.
Recently I loaded at another customer after they ordered a small van, so we sent a little Renault, which was far too small. Not sure what they used to measure the load as it filled half my loadbed!
has it ever happened to you ,you get a call from your boss to go and collect a full load. you get to the customer and find out that it’s only one pallet. well it happened to me today left mossend near glasgow to go to lochgelly in fife (over the 4th road bridge) your only talking an hours drive, gets to the customer tells them that i’m in for a full load for across the water (europe) he just laughed at me and said sorry pal i’m not laughing at you your only getting one pallet and your company has sent in 60feet of metal for one silly do you look when the company makes you look like an idiot, they must think to themselves what kind of people are running that company,especially when you have a rigid going past there front door.may i add that its DHL i work for, so yes have a laugh at my misfortune.( HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL THE TRUCKERS OUT THERE.HAVE A GOOD AND SAFE 2004
perhaps by chance your company charged them for a full load ??then the foots on the other leg !!
Kitkat it looks to me like securicor are having an effect on dhl already !!!
The most idiotic run I ever did was for Fed Ex. When I first started I was on night trunk from Crick to Exeter. I went in one night and took an empty trailer down to do the change over and bought another empty trailer back, when I raised the subject with the manager he said that it didn’t matter if both were empty, the trunk still had to go every night but later after talking to someone higher in the ranks they would call me at home and tell me that there were no loads and I would stay at home and get paid a ‘DEEM SHIFT’.
It’s not just exclusive to the UK, I heard a conversation between two FED Ex drivers in Rhode Island last week, both had been from Providence to Albany NY and back with empty trailers … BUT IT’S WORSE THAN THE UK, THEY BOTH DROVE DOUBLES.
Kitkat it looks to me like securicor are having an effect on dhl already !!!
i take it you have pulled for securicor
has it ever happened to you ,you get a call from your boss to go and collect a full load. you get to the customer and find out that it’s only one pallet. well it happened to me today left mossend near glasgow to go to lochgelly in fife (over the 4th road bridge) your only talking an hours drive, gets to the customer tells them that i’m in for a full load for across the water (europe) he just laughed at me and said sorry pal i’m not laughing at you your only getting one pallet and your company has sent in 60feet of metal for one silly do you look when the company makes you look like an idiot, they must think to themselves what kind of people are running that company,especially when you have a rigid going past there front door.may i add that its DHL i work for, so yes have a laugh at my misfortune.( HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL THE TRUCKERS OUT THERE.HAVE A GOOD AND SAFE 2004
perhaps by chance your company charged them for a full load ??then the foots on the other leg !!
no chance they knew what they where sending me i the person who sent me
If it has to go, and it’s being paid for at full load or express rate then it goes no arguments.
I have done many loads for a company that insisted it paid for the trailer and nothing else could be loaded with it’s goods. 2 pallets to Munchen no problem I’m on my way
A 2m cube pallet sent overnight express to Europe would probable cost more than a full load trailer.
If it has to go, and it’s being paid for at full load or express rate then it goes no arguments.
I have done many loads for a company that insisted it paid for the trailer and nothing else could be loaded with it’s goods. 2 pallets to Munchen no problem I’m on my way
A 2m cube pallet sent overnight express to Europe would probable cost more than a full load trailer.
negative my friend this pallet was getting stored at our depot for a sub contractor to pick it up sometime next week.also this company that i picked up from is a daily pick up and we get 2pallets at the most,most of the time it’s a box.
I drive for a Truck & Trailer rental company & its not uncommon to arrive at a company only to discover they no longer need it, its unroad worthy/driveable, or that its still up the road due back tomorrow mate.
Golden West, Mc Donalds distribution lot were the best, they could lose a trailer between depots.
One well known container company detaxed a truck they were off hiring, but on which we paid the tax, a genuine mistake on thier part, but one which caused a few problems for us as it was booked into the body shop.
A few weeks ago I got sent from Norwich to Daventry to collect a trailer from a repair shop, return it to Milton Keynes & then return to Norwich.
I have also been sent to Liverpool to off hire a trailer.