Happy christmas - a little gift

Hi All

It’s that time of year again. So it’s time to send out our free discount vouchers to Trucknet users. To get yours simply pm your name and address to me.

The voucher can only be used against full CAT C, CE or D driving courses taken with us between 1st Feb and 31st December 2014
Only one voucher per person (If you had one before you can still have another this year)
No cash value
Non transferable
Can not be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion

There is NO catch. Simply ask and you will get.

Happy Christmas, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Just a quick one to those of you who have responded; the first batch of vouchers will leave us during this coming week. So don’t worry if you dont receive it immediately. It’s on it’s way!

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Pete,

Not sure if my message got through as it’s not in my sent box. :unamused:

Don’t worry. The messages are opened by staff in the office so nothing will happen until tomorrow. The Trucknet system leaves your message in the Outbox until it’s been opened by the recipient.

Check again tomorrow; I think you’ll find it’ll be ok.

Thanks, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Ahhh that will explain it then, sorry in advance if you have 5 messages from me.

But maybe that means 5x the offer … :smiley:

But maybe that means 5x the offer …

Only one voucher per person

Good try though! LMAO!

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I know you said 1 voucher per person, but can I use the voucher I got last year and another if I ask for one now? :wink:

I know you said 1 voucher per person, but can I use the voucher I got last year and another if I ask for one now

The last vouchers expire at the end of December. So if you move extremely quickly then you may just make it. And yes, you can have another for next year.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:

I know you said 1 voucher per person, but can I use the voucher I got last year and another if I ask for one now

The last vouchers expire at the end of December. So if you move extremely quickly then you may just make it. And yes, you can have another for next year.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Are you trying to do Santa out of a job? :grimacing:

Just posted the first batch of vouchers so hoping for some happy people in the next few days!

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Just realised I hadn’t put a time limit on this offer! It’s gotta stop sometime so that will be New Year’s Eve. pm your name and address to me and you’ll get a discount voucher.

A bit of advice; go in for John’s competition at Flair - cos that’s free so it’s a bargain no one can beat. Get a discount voucher from us at the same time cos not everyone will get a free course at John’s so better save some cash somewhere down the line!

Also Paul at Elmet is doing deals at the moment.

I really cant think of a previous occasion when you have a choice of good trainers all doing great deals. This is the time to behave like Santa and fill your boots!!!

Good luck all, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Voucher came this morning. Very generous, am blown away. :smiley:

I too received my voucher today and was very pleasantly surprised. A most generous offer.
Thanks very much. Hopefully I’ll be making a booking for my CE course soon.
Merry Christmas !!

Hi Pete,

Thanks for the voucher - always very helpful and much appreciated. Two questions… Did I recently see the cost of the Class 1 course go up from £1000 to £1350■■ And, how come you’ve not replied to my message re the video project idea?



Received with thanks, ■■■■ good of you :slight_smile:

Thanks for the voucher - always very helpful and much appreciated. Two questions… Did I recently see the cost of the Class 1 course go up from £1000 to £1350■■ And, how come you’ve not replied to my message re the video project idea?

Question One. Yes, the Class One has recently gone up from £1000 to £1350. It was on promotion at £1000 for two months and unfortunately it’s not sustainable.

Question Two. Sorry but not had a message. Please try again and I’ll look out for it.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

My arrived safely too.

Very generous, a much bigger chunk off the cost than I was expecting.

Now I need to work out when I can book the training around work commitments.

Thanks again.

Another batch gone out. More happy people. It’s great being Santa!!

Offer closes 31st December 2013. So get stuck in if you haven’t already got a voucher.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:

Thanks for the voucher - always very helpful and much appreciated. Two questions… Did I recently see the cost of the Class 1 course go up from £1000 to £1350■■ And, how come you’ve not replied to my message re the video project idea?

Question One. Yes, the Class One has recently gone up from £1000 to £1350. It was on promotion at £1000 for two months and unfortunately it’s not sustainable.

Question Two. Sorry but not had a message. Please try again and I’ll look out for it.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Pete,

Thanks for clearing up the price, and thanks again for the voucher. I hope to use it next year on your residential C+E course. The Jug & Glass makes a pleasant spot for brushing up on Show Me/Tell Me questions beside the roaring fire.

Regarding the message I sent you about the video idea…I sent it as an e-mail via Trucknet (I remember getting a confirmation e-mail from Trucknet to say it had been sent) but I’ve not kept any record of it. Any chance you could double-check your personal e-mail inbox to see if you can find my e-mail, sent around Nov 21st/22nd?



Regarding the message I sent you about the video idea…I sent it as an e-mail via Trucknet (I remember getting a confirmation e-mail from Trucknet to say it had been sent) but I’ve not kept any record of it. Any chance you could double-check your personal e-mail inbox to see if you can find my e-mail, sent around Nov 21st/22nd?

Sorry, no sign of it.

I’ll send you a pm with my private email which may be better.

Pete :laughing: :laughing: