happy birthday to me

50 today :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Cheer up, you don’t look a day over 49, well maybe just one day… :wink:

Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday chap :exclamation:

Still not as old as Neil though :wink: :laughing:

Much older than me, more than 4 years older in fact. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

happy birthday


:open_mouth: Horror’s. Aah well have a happy day.

Happy Birthday. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses:

Happy Birthday :smiley:

A Very Happy Birthday, I hope you got lots of pressies and may you have many more birthdays in the years to come

At last I’ve found someone older than me :laughing: but only by seven months :confused:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEIL :wink: :laughing:

happy birthday

have a good 1