
I discovered on Friday that having an agency mate doesn’t necessarily make the job easier…

I’ll second that,some times I wish they would just not turn up. Very difficult to motivate some of them and simple instructions seem to be so difficult to follow.

M G B:
I’ll second that,some times I wish they would just not turn up. Very difficult to motivate some of them and simple instructions seem to be so difficult to follow.

The run I did Friday is nearly always done with two of our drivers, but that day it was me plus a non hgv mate. It’s a busy day anyway and having to check that the mate was stacking stuff properly, me operating tail-lift, me checking off the delivery sheet, undoing and doing up curtains, getting paperwork signed etc plus having to stop for 2x 45s when we normally swap drivers added upto a long tiring day…

M G B:

I discovered on Friday that having an agency mate doesn’t necessarily make the job easier…

I’ll second that,some times I wish they would just not turn up. Very difficult to motivate some of them and simple instructions seem to be so difficult to follow.

second that

They were the good old days… 60’s, handballing off pallets onto trailer, handballing off trailer onto pallets. Fruit on pallets at Hither Green. Pallets pushed up trailer, melons, onions, peaches, nuts or whatever else stacked on floor. Used to go to Feltham for segments of concrete pipes and pavers, bound for Bingley… all handball. Used to look forward to a load of wire coils from Low Moor, cos it was forked on and off. Who remembers sheets being frozen to the shape of the load, or ropes that you couldn’t undo cos your fingers wouldn’t work with the cold. And it was even better good old days for our fathers.

Remember being told to go to airfield to pick up bits of a tower crane, I said what airfield, tm said AIRFIELD, I said WOT ■■■■■■■ AIRFIELD, he said, AIRFIELD ‘OSPITAL NEAR DENHAM, I said, WELL WHY DONTCHA SPEAK PROPER YA ■■■■■■■ IGNORANT PRICK. We had a good laugh afterwards. I got to what turned out to be Harefield Hospital, where it was chucking it down and there were two bits of this tower crane. The other crane driver had gone home, so a paddy gets in and proceeds to smash the ■■■■ out of everything around. He gets one bit on which I chain down, then gives up on the crane and tries a fork lift… what a disaster. He gets the other bit on top, but it’s not far enough over, so he backs up and gives it a shove… straight off the other side. Oooh bejesus, he says, we’'ll get someone else to pick that one up. I’m thinking, I’m glad we’re in a Hospital grounds, I’ve just been narrowly missed by half a tower crane and I think I’ve ■■■■ meself.
Sorry for ot but it shows that sometimes, you’re safer without machinery.

Had about 1t of muck to shovel out the other day, in the wind and rain; It reminded me of ths thread and I actually thought that you can actually get some job satisfaction from handballing. As Paul Daniels would say “not a lot” but some.

Manitou broke down on me last Friday. I had a choice, either, wait 2 hours for a spanner man, or handball 1t of topsoil and 40 turf off and barrow it around to the back garden, and drive to get the Manitou fixed at the workshop.

It was a Friday…No brainer… It fairly flew off the back!!


Had about 1t of muck to shovel out the other day…

One tonne is [zb] all. It shouldn’t take any longer than five minutes unless you’ve got arms like an anorexic eight year old girl…

thinks back to the picture Muckaway posted of himself a while ago


This reminds me of my first ever job on a YOP scheme 1980ish, hand balling the butter mountain in Canada Cold Stores in Liverpool, it came in on 20ft containers (non refrigerated) and sat a few weeks and went out on Norfolk line curtains to god knows where Ireland/Russia … dunno but we had to pallet them all and each box was 25kg and the containers where rammed to the top and often melted and spilled out when the doors where opened, those that where frozen had yellow ice on them…oh the fun for £21.50 a week :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:


Had about 1t of muck to shovel out the other day…

One tonne is [zb] all. It shouldn’t take any longer than five minutes unless you’ve got arms like an anorexic eight year old girl…

thinks back to the picture Muckaway posted of himself a while ago


Exactly, it’s not a lot (although it is to many tipper drivers :laughing: ) in comparison to carrying up and downstairs. When it’s peeing down with rain and your feet are sticking to the floor, I start to miss the flour sacks.