

I spent 3 years delivering bagged animal feed and bagged fertiliser to farms. It was amazing how many farmers had to just nip out.

…just make sure he’s “just nipping out to the cashpoint” because you’ve made them aware the contract has client-payable overtime on it, if the drop trakes more than 40 minutes. :laughing:

Ooer. There she’ll bee… I’ll geef you a hund matey.”

Make sure they’ve paid for the load too. A shopkeeper of in London the other day gave us the " till broke wont open" story, but it miraculously opened as our 15min break finished and we were about to do up the curtains.

Handballed last monday , due to leaving the monty in the yard as i didn’t need it ( or so i thought ) ,got to 2nd drop in building site in Edinburgh, lo and behold,no F/L!!! :open_mouth: so out the back door with 111 packs of Insulation boards … worked up a sweat didn’t mind though saved going to the gym after shift …

One the worst Loads I ever had to Handball was Bags of Flaked Barley and Flaked Maize out of NALCO in Aberdeen anybody else ever had the Pleasure.

some apparently still do :smiley:

five pallets of wine taken apart and loaded on top of other pallets. a few good hours it took me

ben walker:
One the worst Loads I ever had to Handball was Bags of Flaked Barley and Flaked Maize out of NALCO in Aberdeen anybody else ever had the Pleasure.

When i was a young pup in eraly nineties, i used to do the bakerys for CARRS flour mills, loved the smell of fresh pies at 4am , hated being covered in flour from a burst bag , even worse if a bag was wet and soggy …
The Farm feed was a pain too, usually up a set of sandstone steps into a loft … kicking the rats away as you went …



I spent 3 years delivering bagged animal feed and bagged fertiliser to farms. It was amazing how many farmers had to just nip out.

…just make sure he’s “just nipping out to the cashpoint” because you’ve made them aware the contract has client-payable overtime on it, if the drop trakes more than 40 minutes. :laughing:

Ooer. There she’ll bee… I’ll geef you a hund matey.”

Make sure they’ve paid for the load too. A shopkeeper of in London the other day gave us the " till broke wont open" story, but it miraculously opened as our 15min break finished and we were about to do up the curtains.

Usually a bypass switch under the cash drawer for emergencies :slight_smile:


ben walker:
One the worst Loads I ever had to Handball was Bags of Flaked Barley and Flaked Maize out of NALCO in Aberdeen anybody else ever had the Pleasure.

When i was a young pup in eraly nineties, i used to do the bakerys for CARRS flour mills, loved the smell of fresh pies at 4am , hated being covered in flour from a burst bag , even worse if a bag was wet and soggy …
The Farm feed was a pain too, usually up a set of sandstone steps into a loft … kicking the rats away as you went …

I asked why is the floor stored upstairs, when the bakery was on the ground floor? Appareny it “deters rodents.” So, the rats of Lymington are a lazy lot then…



I spent 3 years delivering bagged animal feed and bagged fertiliser to farms. It was amazing how many farmers had to just nip out.

…just make sure he’s “just nipping out to the cashpoint” because you’ve made them aware the contract has client-payable overtime on it, if the drop trakes more than 40 minutes. :laughing:

Ooer. There she’ll bee… I’ll geef you a hund matey.”

Make sure they’ve paid for the load too. A shopkeeper of in London the other day gave us the " till broke wont open" story, but it miraculously opened as our 15min break finished and we were about to do up the curtains.

Was amazed actually how many times the company(now long gone. Farmore) delivered to customers who had just opened accounts without doing proper bank checks.

I helped the driver handball 2 tonne of animal feed off the other week. If it needs doing, do it. Keeps everyone happy.


ben walker:
One the worst Loads I ever had to Handball was Bags of Flaked Barley and Flaked Maize out of NALCO in Aberdeen anybody else ever had the Pleasure.

When i was a young pup in eraly nineties, i used to do the bakerys for CARRS flour mills, loved the smell of fresh pies at 4am , hated being covered in flour from a burst bag , even worse if a bag was wet and soggy …
The Farm feed was a pain too, usually up a set of sandstone steps into a loft … kicking the rats away as you went …

And then come back with ten ton of sugar beet in 2cwt (100kilo) hessian sacks up those same steps with all the dust falling down your neck! For £34 a week.(in 1978). And no handrail on the worn, wet steps…Good fun weren’t it?

It’s handball all the way delivering to fish and chips shops with the customers varying between those who want it in the middle of the storeroom to those who expect you to rotate the stock. For every bad one there is a good one though and if your polite enough then a free lunch is never too far away!

Having said that I am glad the bulk of my time is driving a desk nowadays.

Does anyone know why English flour is sold in 16kg sacks, French in 25kg? Does 16kg equate to a round imperial number?

I used to do a couple of tons of animal feeds occasionally when subbed into BOCM at Exeter. You would get to an empty shed on a farm with instructions like “Put bags on trailer” Yeah right…Floor everytime! :wink:

I don’t do a lot my self but occasionally am off the artic and back on the 26 tonners ,same as the other boys who all do hand builds
Mostly booze, soft drinks & confectionary

26 ton off gas bottles on your own 26 ton off 26 ton on

I helped the driver handball 2 tonne of animal feed off the other week. If it needs doing, do it. Keeps everyone happy.

We used to handball up to 2 ton of bags over the top of the doors of a blower/bulker. Bulk was underneath preventing the opening of the back doors. 1970 s that was. I was young then, still female though. It was always handy that the farmer wasn’t leaving as you drove down the drive. Some did.

Does anyone know why English flour is sold in 16kg sacks, French in 25kg? Does 16kg equate to a round imperial number?

A lot of batter mixtures is sold in 16kg sacks. When I first started (most of my experience is in builder’s merchants/25kg stuff) I asked and got told it’s all due to manual handling.


Does anyone know why English flour is sold in 16kg sacks, French in 25kg? Does 16kg equate to a round imperial number?

A lot of batter mixtures is sold in 16kg sacks. When I first started (most of my experience is in builder’s merchants/25kg stuff) I asked and got told it’s all due to manual handling.

I look at it this way; The English will carry 2x16kg but the French will carry 1x25kg or they strike.

I hand ball every day and have done for 15 years full time but been helping my dad since I was old strong enough to carry some thing .

Removals is hard work but very enjoyable , I hate doing the office but some one has to .

Hi, I have done some of that, used to drive for R K Browning, most of the loads we did from Arnolds were 20ton, up to 23 when we upped to 32t gross, that was hard graft sometimes, and the worst bit was they used to stick the poly bags together with glue to try and stop them sliding off the pallets. Still, I suppose it kept us fit and worked up a thirst !!

I handball my paperwork all the way to the the ‘Forkie’ :laughing:

Seriously we do get the odd load or pallet that needs a bit of Manual Attention.

Worst ‘Bastad’ Load I ever handballed was 10 ton of 50kg bags of sand, collected from Arnolds in Heath n’ Reach nr Leighton Buzzard lugged it to London where it was for sand blasting a building. Poxy contractors said they wanted it ‘Over There’ about 50 yards across a pavement into a compound. I was a bit Naive, so proceeded to unload on my own, they eventually got some one to help after about of hour sweating my nuts off, took about 4 hours altogether. Nearly killed me.
I would’nt even open my sheets if that happened to me now, Forklift or you supply the labour, I’m too unfit to play that game now ! :wink: