h+s,oh dear

walking back from collection office and one of our other trucks is reversing back onto bay,so to save him a job i stop him and go to undo his back doors for him[done it hundreds of times,if not thousands], but he jumps out and shouts NO ,ill do them,my first reaction was zb you then :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp: .
but he proceeds to tell me one of our other lads had gone to do the same thing and was seen by a h+s bod whod reported him and he was now on some kind of report over it-reason being he may of got run over by driver if he hadnt realised he was un-doing doors,
its just getting stupider by the day,zb me no one with any common sense undoes the doors until the driver seen you jesture for him to stop and nhe has stopped.
but surely even if h+s was right a little word in the ear about we dont want you doing that would suffice,putting him on report seems totally o.t.t to me

the trouble with health and safety is it brings everyone down to numpty level where common sense and personal responsibility is no longer encouraged or allowed. Plus by definition the only people willing to be h s bods are the last people that should be allowed to do such a pointless job

This is what happens when ■■■■ personalities are given the power to justify their existence.

And it gets much worse if you click this link!

and this one!

Oh not that old chestnut Malc! :smiley:
Sorry couldn’t resist!