H&R Trans

Wasn’t a dig at you. They could just put Espars on and bunk heaters, which would cost much less. They obviously considered the drivers much more than most do.

Think you are confusing 2 posters Bob. Davie, who was unimpressed with H&R but is clearly keen on moving, and Steveo, who is clearly keen on nothing - including other people’s conversations. :wink: :laughing:

Perhaps a little, David, but only a little.

Something occured to me today. Last year, the firm I am with arranged several seminars in the UK. I had just arrived here so I sort of knew the places they were looking at, and understood the trouble they were having.
The UkK venues were an utter nightmare to arrange things with. I ended up talking to one of them so they would get the idea that they weren’t dealing with some foreigner, which was the impression they were giving.
The venues were the ones making it difficult.

Do you know for a fact that H&R were disingenuous? Do you know for a fact that it wasn’t an honest error? Or did you simply make an assumption based on your own way of doing things?

2012? Long time planning, not much time doing. Bit like Mr Blair.

Its the ‘National Sport of Whinging.’ They are so soured by life here that nothing is as it seems, only ten times worse. If they were to go to CA they would take their miserable attitudes with them .Its Gods way of protecting CA.( Pull up the drawbridge! ) :laughing:

Its the ‘National Sport of Whinging.’ They are so soured by life here that nothing is as it seems, only ten times worse. If they were to go to CA they would take their miserable attitudes with them .Its Gods way of protecting CA.( Pull up the drawbridge! ) :laughing:

Phew! That lets me out then. Definitely not soured with life here :wink: , but you got the drawbridge idea wrong, it’s us who are happy with life who want to pull it up behind us, not the miserable ones :wink: :laughing: .

Hello, to you chaps in Lethbridge, I`m coming out April 12th and starting with H&R.

Spardo I meant all the happy ex-pats in CA should pull up the drawbridge…But there is a work ethic in CA that acts as a reliable filter. If the wannabes are looking for a comfy place to whinge they are soon faced with the harsh reality of 'work or leave.

vastly exp You forgot to add that you are on your second brand new Freightliner double sleeper cab ( with all the bells & whistles ) since the second week in December 2006. :laughing: :laughing:

What happened to the first one?? Canadian trucks are built to last a lot longer than that!

After vast run it in it was passed on to a not so vastly experienced driver. :laughing:

vastly exp:
by the way in the last 6 months h&r have replaced about 100 trucks,nothing too good about that,but on every one of the new trucks they have had fitted a thing called a tri pac,now these things cost $12000. yes thats twelve thousand dollars each thats fitted of course,these tri pacs are soley for driver comfort,its a 2 cylinder diesel engine bolted to the chassis and it drives the air conditioning to keep the driver cool whilst he is resting,it also charges the battery to keep the night heater going,it also supplys the truck with 110 volt electric,so we can have a fridge microwave coffee maker and even a hair drier (for the wife)if we want,now thats about 1.2 million dollars on driver comforts,
do you think they will be too worried about a stand at a expo.

Just to take a little of the spin off of this post: most if not all large trucking companies in Canada and the U.S., lease their trucks and trailers and this would include the Tri-pacs as well. The reason the companies are adding these type of units are many. The new anti-idling laws that have come into effect in a lot of the larger cities really have an impact on companies that spend many hours waiting to load or unload. especially for companies that have team drivers. The Tri-pacs also provide A/C cooling that the cheaper Espars don`t. They also help the re-sale value of these units when the lease is up.

After vast run it in it was passed on to a not so vastly experienced driver. :laughing:

Be careful harry, Bobthedog will be taking you to task about this post being fact or opinion.

And your point is■■? :laughing:

This is the old truck.( two& a half months old )

And this is the new truck ( Now about a month old )
And me & Bob have sorted out our credentials a long time ago.We ain’t bragging; We are complaining… :laughing:


This is the old truck.( two& a half months old )

And this is the new truck ( Now about a month old )
And me & Bob have sorted out our credentials a long time ago.We ain’t bragging; We are complaining… :laughing:

The point is ,what happened that he had to get a new truck after two and a half months?They have such a turnover of drivers that he moved up to senior driver after two and a half months that would qualify him for the new truck or he destroyed the first one or does it support Dave s post that maybe they really dont have anybody driving the bus at this company…

Yawn…! He took a holiday. Left the truck in Lethbridge…yawn, after the break flew back to Calgary & asked for his truck to be there waiting for him . His truck was busy somewhere so H+R gave him a new one… Any more pendandic questions■■? For Chrisake get a life of your own… :laughing:

Yawn…! He took a holiday. Left the truck in Lethbridge…yawn, after the break flew back to Calgary & asked for his truck to be there waiting for him . His truck was busy somewhere so H+R gave him a new one… Any more pendandic questions■■? For Chrisake get a life of your own… :laughing:

Gee harry, didnt know you were so touchy.. no need for swearing , I didnt know your vocabulary was so limited. as well, your post makes no sense at all, telling me to get a life, you are the one posting about someone elses life. please explain "pendandic’, it doesnt exist in my canadian dictionary.. Do you need to work on your spelling as well?? We can trade posts all day long if you like, I know quite a bit about this company, so fire away. Oh and maybe have a nap before you reply so you dont come off as rude as yawning in public.

Maybe Harry was tired but at least he read the posts on the thread fully.

I don’t work for H&R. I have never worked for them nor do I wish to. I don’t care if you know a great deal about them because it has nothing to do with me.

My post was directed at someone who was knocking the firm in, I thought, an unjustified manner. I also thought he was directing his ire at those who elect to start a new life over here. He may have influenced a prevaricator who was on the brink of choosing to come here and I dropped my tuppenceworth in.

Now then, regarding Harry. He was tramping virtually worldwide when I was a nipper. He has seen some amazing things and he enjoys hearing of the world at large because it is accessable via the net. His friend ahs come out here to work for the named company and is happy with them. If you don’t like them then PM the other dissenters and have a long chat about it with them. I would trust the others before I trust your words because, reading between the lines, there is clearly some bad blood there.

Not my problem, nor Harrys, nor Vast Exps. Just yours.

For the record 'pendantic ’ is my word for 'boring ’ & as for this thread its way past its bedtime.As Bob says talk to the malcontents because I am not listening…

Results 1 - 10 of about 24,600 for pendantic people. (0.10 seconds) from Google…another record .

Don’t want to hijack the thread but are Freightliner Columbias (sp) as in the above pictures really just the N.American “version” of the Renault
Premium :question: I.E.
They are a fleet truck that gets the job done with the minimum of fuss or expense and everybody slates them for it :question: :unamused:

Guess that’s what I’ll be buying next year then. :laughing:

As for people slating them for it, par for the course really. I liked my Premiums. I thought they were extremely reliable trucks. They never let me down badly and always got me home. If the FL is like that then I will certainly consider one when I am looking for my own vehicle.