Greiatric threads

why are we raking up threads from 2003?

because Ady1 is having RobK withdrawl symptoms and is just readdressing the balance of pointless BS on here. :smiley:

Why do you care ? if you don’t like it don’t read it ! :grimacing: :grimacing:

why are we raking up threads from 2003?

Just wondering that myself,i thought some thing had gone wrong with my computer!

Mmm,so was I.Dunno if ady’s posts are a wind up,but tried constructively answering one,then tried to view another,and got ‘Post does not exist’ :question:
Never met the man,but hope he’s ok :frowning:

because Ady1 is having RobK withdrawl symptoms and is just readdressing the balance of pointless BS on here. :smiley:

Maybe he wants to set a trucknet record.

Why do you care ? if you don’t like it don’t read it ! :grimacing: :grimacing:

The second post from lycanthrope in support of this new idea of Ady1’s, perhaps mods might want to check the ISP numbers of these two posters?

why are we raking up threads from 2003?

Dunno why he is , but he wont be for a while :wink: :wink:
to put them back in their old place I have had to delete any of the posts made on them today.

I have no problem with old posts being bought up again if there is a good reason, but a whole bunch of random posts bought up simply to swamp the front page is not on,


why are we raking up threads from 2003?

Dunno why he is , but he wont be for a while :wink: :wink:

Bye Ady, don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out. :wink:

Harry Monk:


why are we raking up threads from 2003?

Dunno why he is , but he wont be for a while :wink: :wink:

Bye Ady, don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out. :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sigh…Why ban ADY1 ? Seems really petty. :unamused:

Who said he was banned? :wink:

Its been a very long time since we banned anyone :bulb:

Just guessing from other posts. Apologies if wrong. :blush:

Just guessing from other posts. Apologies if wrong. :blush:

Accepted :wink: :sunglasses:

Harry Monk:
The second post from lycanthrope in support of this new idea of Ady1’s, perhaps mods might want to check the ISP numbers of these two posters?

Lol Harry :astonished: I am offended :open_mouth: I have not the slightest clue who Ady1 is. I have only the one account and anything I feel like posting will be by me, I don’t care who I offend :stuck_out_tongue:

Who said he was banned? :wink:

Its been a very long time since we banned anyone :bulb:

Suspended ? or lost in time