Grantham Improvements

I was watching a few of the abandoned race tracks videos this guy has done last weekend.

Fair to say dull viewing but I am enjoying some of his stuff on Motorways and Services.

This one Grantham Southern relief road

According to local rag it got shut soon after opening , over night maybe as work was sub standard , not so sure full ring road is open yet , last I looked it wasn’t joined from spital gate level to a52, assum you’d have to go down hill to McDonald’s ( watch 30 limit down hill as a cop van now regularly parked down the bottom )

It’s always…

Been a pain getting to the A1 southbound from the A52. It’s a really sharp turn by McDonalds that if you’re not careful you’ll find a car on your inside assuming your turning right into town.

I noticed in the comments section about the Newark Southern Relief Road. I wasn’t aware that it was in the planning stage. If it happens, it should make a big difference to the A1/A46 junction of misery. Bet they plan a roundabout to join the two up when a flyover would be the best solution.

It’s always…

I noticed in the comments section about the Newark Southern Relief Road. I wasn’t aware that it was in the planning stage. If it happens, it should make a big difference to the A1/A46 junction of misery. Bet they plan a roundabout to join the two up when a flyover would be the best solution.

Had a search looks like that is coming too. I don’t think they have fully embraced your vision of slip roads mind!

Thanks for the links…

Yes, as usual, the ‘stick a roundabout in who cares’ planning team have won the day. Then after years of traffic jams, they’ll put lights on it costing everyone time and money. Then they’ll admit defeat and agree to put a flyover in by which time the world has run out of oil and we’re all gonna die anyway.

Thanks for the links…

Yes, as usual, the ‘stick a roundabout in who cares’ planning team have won the day. Then after years of traffic jams, they’ll put lights on it costing everyone time and money. Then they’ll admit defeat and agree to put a flyover in by which time the world has run out of oil and we’re all gonna die anyway.

It looks alright to me ( can’t comment on sun standard work ) , looks a sensible route , should take most of the east heading traffic away from centre of town , which was a nightmare for those living there / those passing through
Obviously have to see it fully open , but upto now I’d say decent effort

Welwyn Drive needs resurfacing.

Bone Shaker:
Welwyn Drive needs resurfacing.

It wouldn’t if they did the pot holes properly , but they don’t , few months later we’re back too square one
Too be honest my drive need doing but next door ( builder ) reckoned years ago it would cost £8,000 to do it , what it would cost now I hate too think
And as we’re likely going too up sticks tonotts I’ll let the next owner sort it , though it’s the only thing that lets the house down , and gets on my nerves so I’ll no doubt get it done , may go for cheaper option of gravel