Grampian and lubbers photos

hi mods

could anyone tell me why some of the photos where removed from the photo forum for grampian and lubbers etc , they are on page 1 and where sent in by robv8.


mark (marcus 22)

The photo’s havent been removed , they are hosted on another website and the accounts bandwidth limit has been exceeded - nothing to do with us at all :slight_smile:

hi rikki

thanks for that but can not understand why someone would put them on then take them off .

they havent as far as I know… they are on a free hosting package which only allows so many views a month… so it looks like they have used their allowance for this month, a problem when using them to post to a busy board like this… if they used the attachment upload system on here we would host them and they wouldnt dissappear like this

marcus 22:
hi rikki

thanks for that but can not understand why someone would put them on then take them off .

Hi Mark,

It isn’t necessarily the case that the pics have been taken off.

If you click the link below, you’ll see that robv8’s other pics also seem to have gone missing:
Link :arrow_right: LDD - Richards Bay to Lephalale again - THE UK PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

He hasn’t been on and removed his pics— honest!! :wink:

:bulb: Maybe you could PM him and ask him to take a look at his photo-hosting account?

ok guys thanks for that it explains it a bit better,it was me just having a winge thinking they had been removed for some reason even though they were not my photos, and being ex RTH driver their is a few of the guys sorting out photos for me to post.



marcus 22:
ok guys thanks for that it explains it a bit better,it was me just having a winge thinking they had been removed for some reason even though they were not my photos, and being ex RTH driver their is a few of the guys sorting out photos for me to post.



Hi Mark,

The Admin Team would have absolutely no reason to remove robv8’s pics, cos they’re always good quality, on-topic and don’t cause anybody any problems.

If you send Rob a PM and ask him about his photo-hosting account, I’m pretty sure that he’ll confirm there’s an issue at his end.

I hope that helps. :smiley:

marcus 22:
ok guys thanks for that it explains it a bit better,it was me just having a winge thinking they had been removed for some reason even though they were not my photos, and being ex RTH driver their is a few of the guys sorting out photos for me to post.

Rob is using Photobucket to host his pics.
They have a bandwidth limit of 10GB, which is a limit on the volume of data they will send for him per month.
So the more photos he puts up and the more people look at them, the sooner he runs out of bandwidth.
He’s got a lot of photo’s in those Lephalale threads and they all get looked at by quite a few people. So that uses his data transfer allowance up quickly, by the look of it very quickly, unless they haven’t reset it for this month yet.