Gota be a record?

asked about a stobart truck (volvo with a red grill normal body rap)
and it was shut down in 20 mins gota be a record :question:

serves you right for using the S word in the topic title!

It was a reasonable thing to ask and it wasn’t closed down because of your question, unfortunately the thread was hijacked by two people desperate to make fools of themselves by holding a public slanging match.

my wrong :smiley:

my wrong :smiley:

what the hell does that even mean :question: :unamused:


my wrong :smiley:

what the hell does that even mean :question: :unamused:

It means “I was wrong to have assumed that the thread was deleted because I asked an inappropriate question”.

Get down wiv da kidz Kindle! :wink:

wot is ‘my bad’ then H?

wot is ‘my bad’ then H?

My bad
A way of admitting a mistake, and apologizing for that mistake, without actually apologizing. The best definition I ever read of this, now paraphrased:

“I did something bad, and I recognize that I did something bad, but there is nothing that can be done for it now, and there is technically no reason to apologize for that error, so let’s just assume that I won’t do it again, get over it, and move on with our lives.”

Ruder than apologizing, but with the same meaning: a flippant apology.
“You just spilled your beer on my term paper!!”
“Er… my bad.”

my stupid, maybe.

My fault :blush:
Waiting on a warning pm from Mods…

My oh my :wink:

wot is ‘my bad’ then H?

A combination of a half-hearted apology and a dismissal, believed to have originated in the 1980s when an African basketball player with a poor command of English was asked by a television interviewer about a flunked chance to score a hoop.

Language moves and evolves. There was a time when native English speakers were sniffy about the Americanism “seafood” and pretended that they didn’t know what it meant.

Their bad. :wink:

Harry Monk:

wot is ‘my bad’ then H?

A combination of a half-hearted apology and a dismissal, believed to have originated in the 1980s when an African basketball player with a poor command of English was asked by a television interviewer about a flunked chance to score a hoop.

Language moves and evolves. There was a time when native English speakers were sniffy about the Americanism “seafood” and pretended that they didn’t know what it meant.

Their bad. :wink:

It could be that or it could be that your an old ■■■■■■ “my bad” is a perfectly acceptable internet term, its commonly used by millions of people that are under 40 years of age when posting on internet forums or via text… stop trying to be a clever ■■■■■■ mr monk