Having read the latest verbal onslaught on the hull murder site against me I see no point in continuing to post or read this website if you have any other opinion other than that of a few who dominate these postings you are contiually slagged off my Iraq postings got me a lot of flack, yet I was personally E-Mailed by 9 who were to cowed by the ex soldiers who apperently know everything there is to know about everything, to admit they wanted details of how to get a job there.
I stand by what i said about the Hull execution I suspect from the postings i know a lot more about Firearms and Shooting than most of the people posting there. as to my shooting prowess I was the runner up in the Mongomery of Alemain challenge cup a few years ago (the next step was Bisley) I was the third best shot in my Regiment, and have fired a very large variety of firearms rifles pistols GPMG etc with and without telescopic sights nightscopes and iron sights, it IS quite possible to shoot to incapacitate, and if the people who slagged me off had read my mail nowhere in it did I say the army taught me to do so.
I suggest the ex Squaddies who seem to think they are something special think again there are thousands of us most people do not need to metion it every time we mail.
Good luck to you all I think in the next few years you will need it,
I am sorry to hear you are leaving and i understand what you mean
some people think that if thay have fired a gun on a range then they are Rambo
i wish you good luck
Thank you CM but no i am fed up with it and so are quite a few more.
Guy Rope, this is a forum for disscussion which means different opinions and it would be a very boring place if everybody just agreed all the time, trust me on that one because I’ve been a member of boards like that. Just as in the real world, where I’m sure you don’t agree with everybody all the time, the same happens on internet boards and leaving just because a few people have a dfifferent view point to you and argue their corner isn’t the answer. Stay and argue your corner instead. If you don’t want to do that maybe internet forums and message boards aren’t the place for you because this is very, very tame compared to many boards.
I hope you will change your mind but if not good luck.
GUYROPE ,what ever opinion one has you are entiteled to voice it that
is your right in this demorcratic land, weither I agree with you or not on the post do not ;give in to those who disagree with what YOU think is what should have happened,I stand by what I wrote but
sorry mate you are letting those who have stated their points of view
win this is in my mind the wrong move, PLEASE RECONSIDER YOU ARE
The reason why we have free speech,is because we live in a democracy.
That doesn’t mean to say that you’re right,and they’re wrong,or vice versa.It means that we,as a society,are free to express our views,without any fear of repercussion from the authorities.
I didn’t comment on the Hull saga,although through work,I spend a hell of a lot of time there,but I wouldn’t take it personally.
Like Coffee,I have seen a lot worse on forums,and as this site has a good set of mods,I dare say that if it got out of hand,they’d soon step in.
Think again about your move,some other members have,in the past decided to go,but came back.Now whether that was because they missed us,(aaaaawwwww) or they realised that a few weren’t going to spoil they’re enjoyment,I don’t know.
its just not worth leaving a forum over mate …
i use 4x4 off road forums as that is my hobby and the arguments and slanging you can get involved in does get quite heated at times … its an anything goes forum and anything literally goes …
some leave some dont … i,ve made in the past a complete fool of myself on that forum , but i still havent left its only the internet …some of the other users i reguarly see at events or laneing expos and its all just a laugh …
i can see why you got intense with your critics …
but that is all they are critics , there not enemies of you they dont dislike you , they have simply made there opinion widely available for all to see …
all i can say is dont take it to heart , its not personal …
one of the internets worst traits i think , unable to judge ones attitude …
so let it go over your head , chill out have a beer , smoke a ■■■ …
I have gone back and read the thread, I dont see anywhere that you have been abused or attacked.
I see a difference of opinion about wether the Police should have shot to maim rather than kill, and I see some question marks about your interpretation of the ability of the markmans abilities and the training of those who use firearms.
I truly dont understand why your knickers are in such a twist
Guy Rope,
You seem to have some strong opinions which you are entitled to, the same as everyone else on here. I got the impression that you would be one to ‘have courage in your convictions’ and not throw the towel in because all the posts didn’t totally agree with you.
I know one of the replies you will be refering to is one of mine but what would this board be if we didn’t ‘speak as we find’? I will be dissapointed if you choose not continue to use these boards but that’s your choice. I won’t loose sleep over it; life is too short.
Best wishes in whatever you choose.
OK hissy fit over, I’M BACK.
You could’ve come back 1 min sooner - would’ve saved my post!!
Great . and as coffeeholic said its only people stateing their views
and remember this is our right in a demorcratic country,
i proberley put my size 10s in it if i did im sorry i wouldnt even off relised. … dont remember the thread though
Thing is Guy, that this is a forum for the exchange of views. No-one is right or wrong on TruckNet…
But if you say your thing, and say it well, then you have the chance to bring people round to your way of thinking.
So keep on posting, and if others disagree with you, then that’s their right too.