Goodbye for now altered to i'm getting better

Sounds like a temporary “blip,” but PLEASE don’t do what I did and think that a problem will simply go away. :blush:
Yours is far more complicated than mine, but the same applies. :exclamation:

:bulb: Consider your arse kicked!! ( :wink: But just a bit, and not very hard. :laughing: )

Thanks again for the support
I don’t know what i’ve done this time but I got out on tuesday dinner time and back in wednesday tea time, a total of 28 hours of freedom
they think its a lung infection this time so i’m back on super strength antibiotics and another go on the CT scanner next week
I guess my surprise appearance at cannock is definitly off now, so the new target is truckfest

it isn’t the sort of illness you can afford to ignore. But good luck and I hope the CT goes well

Thinking of you, Steve.

they think its a lung infection this time so i’m back on super strength antibiotics and another go on the CT scanner next week
I guess my surprise appearance at cannock is definitly off now, so the new target is truckfest

Hi biggus, I picked up an infection as my op was healing. By God it was painful, but the antibiotics did the trick.
Mine isn’t in the same league as yours, but the principle is the same IMHO.
:smiley: A temporary setback on an otherwise upward trend eh :question:
Hang in there mate.:grimacing:

i’m back out again now and they still can’t find anything actually wrong so they’ve reasoned my lungs are weaker than 1st thought.
i’ve now got to go in as a day patient everyday to have the super antibiotic of the antibiotic world through introvenous injection.
£500 a shot from now until they are satisfied my lungs are no longer under threat.
they kept telling me how expensive this drug is as if they’re doing me a real big favour by letting me have it
they shut up when i pointed out that there was nothing wrong with my lungs before they cocked up my treatment and damaged them beyond repair

Glad to see you back out for now at least

So us tax :blush: payers are paying a fortune to keep you with a pulse :wink: hope it is worth it in the end :wink:

i’m worth it ang :laughing:
its only about £4000 a week with the other two ordinary antibiotics included, plus the pottasium replacement pills, plus the anti sickness pills to counteract the after effects of the antibiotics :confused:

Can you not start a new thread with a more cheerful title babe this one scares the life out of me everytime I see a new post. :open_mouth:
You keep giving them grief babe it will pass the time nicely. :wink: :smiley: ■■■

i’m worth it ang :laughing:
its only about £4000 a week with the other two ordinary antibiotics included, plus the pottasium replacement pills, plus the anti sickness pills to counteract the after effects of the antibiotics :confused:

How did you get them to spend that much money steve? Are you a black polish lesbian really? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■ i’ve been sussed out, but what do you think jb, you’ve seen me.
but like i’ve already stated my lungs were ok before they cocked up so however much is spent on my well being is their own fault.
i’m trialing it for them anyway, its the same stuff they give me when i was at my worse, when i was in a coma and all but dead.
they were pumping it into me every 2 hours for 3 days, and then once every day until i left intensive care, so that was £25000 worth just for that drug.
i’d hate to think of the actual cost counting staff wages, all my other drugs from september to now, seeing as i’ve spent all but 6 weeks of that time in hospital, and even those 6 weeks i was in the clinic every other day, and on drugs all the time.
thank god for the NHS.

thank god for the NHS.

Hear hear, biggus. I owe them a debt of gratitude too, they’ve been very good to me.

can’t fault them dave, they’ve been the total opposite of what everyone slags them off for.
quick treatment regardless of cost,
i don’t know if it helps peterborough hospital, but there is a lot of military personel train there.
it was an army captain who actually worked on me and didn’t give up on me while i was in my coma.
maybe that has a bearing on the funding they get.

can’t fault them dave, they’ve been the total opposite of what everyone slags them off for.

Agreed biggus, all the consultants, doctors, surgeons and nurses that I’ve dealt with can only be called “first-class.” :smiley:

quick treatment regardless of cost,

TBF, our situations aren’t really comparable in terms of speed of treatment. Your problem was clearly life-threatening, whereas mine were merely a few bits of discomfort. I’ve got no problem waiting whilst somebody with a far more urgent need, like yourself, passes me in the queue. I’m still as grateful when it comes to my turn.

i don’t know if it helps peterborough hospital, but there is a lot of military personel train there.
it was an army captain who actually worked on me and didn’t give up on me while i was in my coma.
maybe that has a bearing on the funding they get.

I’ve no idea about how hospitals get funding, but the one I normally get sent to is called “The Countess of Chester.” I didn’t notice any military types there, but you never know…

I do hope you’re making steady progress, otherwise there’ll be a posse after you. :wink:

Had any deliveries lately :question: :sunglasses:

no delivery here dave, why what have you sent me?

I think there is a post code lottery to be honest. The difference between my treatment when I lived in the midlands compared to the treatment here in yorkshire is quite amazing.

no delivery here dave, why what have you sent me?

Hi biggus, Hopefully that wasn’t too cryptic, I meant that I’d received an appointment letter to go back and see the surgeon. :frowning:
They’re the only deliveries I’m involved with at present :frowning:

Another delivery I’ll expect soon is another letter to see to see another surgeon to see what’s what with my knee. :unamused:
Never mind, it’ll possibly provide me with another opportunity to do a diary. :laughing:

:open_mouth: You should have seen the fail-sheet for the last time I had an M.O.T. :laughing:

I’ve had that many “procedures” that I’m now the 6 quid man. It’s my version of the $6,000,000 man, cos they’ve only cut something off and patched the rest up with insulating tape. :laughing:
I hope you’re doing better than I am. :smiley:

If you start doing too much, just watch out for the posse, cos there’ll be no escape. :wink:

I think there is a post code lottery to be honest. The difference between my treatment when I lived in the midlands compared to the treatment here in yorkshire is quite amazing.

That’s a fair point Ladytrucker679, I’ve spoken to many people in many waiting-rooms and found that there are quite marked variations in which hospital does which procedures, and how long you have to wait. TBF, from my 14 years of experience, I don’t hear much by way of complaint from the other patients I’ve met.

Another bonus for me is that I only have to travel 5 miles each way to get to the hospital which I describe as first-class. IMHO, treble the journey would still be worth the effort. :smiley:

… and ended up in isolation in peterborough hospital …

Isolation for 8 weeks? Woe! Hang in there, be tough, and get well soon!

And may the rest of us always remember that good health is often a matter of luck.

When The Redhead :unamused: aka Lady Luck :unamused: drops the other shoe it could be any one of us gets smacked.

ATB, biggusdickus!

cheers john, i only had 3 weeks in isolation that time thank god but it soon passes and isn’t as bad as you’d think.
dave you must be clairvoyant, i got a parcel today from hong kong.
it was something ordered for amandas son and i’d forgot all about it.
apparently i have my last dose of my superdrug tomorrow, so i should find out whats happening from my consultant tomorrow.