Goodbye Corby Chilled, Hello Innovate

According to Transport News Network today Innovate Logistics has acquired Coby Chilled Distribution, to be run as a separate company.

Full news here:


as i was thinking about appling for corby chilled recently is that good or bad

Bad from a drivers point of view, from what i hear Innovate are not very driver friendly.

I heard that Alcester was going… !! I guess the rumour-mill was a bit off… :exclamation:

If they are going to run CCD as a seperate entity then why should anything change significantly. Innovate are not bad in my view, I’ve worked for a lot worse, you get some days where it seems that your getting the runaround but that’s driving. Like any job you will get out what you put in and it depends what you want, regular hours or tramping (do CCD do tramping?), days or nights, it’s not exactly hard work, all you do is drive from A to B, etc.

If your the type of person who can let the hassles roll over you and not let it get you stressed out then you’ll adapt to any firm, besides if you try it and don’t like it, you can move on, what you got to lose?

I’m not saying Innovate are good or bad, they’re a transport firm so if you don’t set the bar too high you won’t be dissapointed?

Bad from a drivers point of view, from what i hear Innovate are not very driver friendly.

Innovate are after 30 permanent drivers and 25 temporary drivers at Worksop.

With a reputation like this, they might struggle to fill the vacancies!


Bad from a drivers point of view, from what i hear Innovate are not very driver friendly.

Innovate are after 30 permanent drivers and 25 temporary drivers at Worksop.

With a reputation like this, they might struggle to fill the vacancies!

I had a txt form a mate asking about going on agy at worksop he wondered if it was good or bad.
but having worked out of thorne on agy, its effectively the same crew running it as the thorne opperation has been transfered to worksop. Unfortunately its largely the same managers who ran the opperation at wincanton Maltby :unamused: before GCT pulled the contract.
GCT was then taken over by innost@te

Unfortunately its largely the same managers who ran the opperation at wincanton Maltby :unamused:

Oh dear!

I did a bit on the agency at Maltby shortly after I passed my class 1. Told them when I arrived that I’d not done any fridge work before and they didn’t offer to give any instruction Thankfully, another agency driver showed me the ropes which probably saved 26 pallets of frozen food going to waste!

I thought Innovate had packed up! There’s two of their new FH13s for sale at Crossroads at Birstall in ex Innovate colours and decals and another dozen or so of their current units parked up round the back. :open_mouth:

Rob K:
I thought Innovate had packed up! There’s two of their new FH13s for sale at Crossroads at Birstall in ex Innovate colours and decals and another dozen or so of their current units parked up round the back. :open_mouth:

Theres some at Xroads in Rottherham too but theres some new ones out back i dont think he keeps them long before buying new ones.

Innov@te is now, of course, owned by Icelandic shipping line Eimskip. That fact is relevant to me because they bought 65% of us out on Thursday last week (complete shock, totally out of the blue) and are amalgamating us with Lithuanian short sea line Kursui Linjia…albeit under the Containerships banner but with “seperate trading identities”.

Within a week a good quarter of the 45ft boxes on our ship, both those going out and imports, were Kursiu. Odd given that the first thing Eimskip did when they bought Kursiu 6 months (ish) ago was pull them out of Tees and make Immingham their prefered port of discharge…Yet we’re told nothing will change for us■■? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Eimskip are buying a lot of companies, very quickly. Only time will tell what the future holds…

Will they be bringing their Lithuanian drivers over here too?, not that i mind far from it ifd they can make bigger profits and pay their staff a pittance im all for it isnt everyone in this country all for it now?.

Rob K:
I thought Innovate had packed up! There’s two of their new FH13s for sale at Crossroads at Birstall in ex Innovate colours and decals and another dozen or so of their current units parked up round the back. :open_mouth:

I saw one pulling a tipper the other day - it had just had the lettering removed.

I’ve also seen a couple of brand new motors running about so they must just be renewing the fleet.

Nah Jammy, Kursiu don’t run trucks, never have…We might ship some of Russians across, mind, just for you… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: