Good week next week

:smiley: Been asked for specificly by a company for next week (I’m agency) I’ve worked there before and have made a really good impression - apparently there’s a job there for me when the one guy pulls his finger out and moves down south :laughing:

Anyway, apparently they want me because they’ve got a brand new truck and want someone they can trust not to damage it (famous last words) Looking forward to it but obviously apprehensive :laughing: Must be making quite a name for myself as that’s two companies who ask for me and I only really get work for three or four :grimacing:

Anyways, might do a week’s diary for a laugh so keep an eye open :wink:

Not that old cherry …
where they asked for you speicially … :unamused: :unamused:

I remeber being FED that line before… and fell for it … … i had not long past my C+1. :blush: :blush:
then relised that i had never been in that Co. before … :smiley: :blush:

:laughing: Mate, I know exactly what you mean; I know just how slippery agencies can be :imp: in both cases these are genuine and both half decent jobs. Guess there was no real point in this post but must admit I’m looking forward to a week in a nice shiney new truck :blush:

Keep yer fingers crossed anyway guys, there’s a good chance of getting offered a permanent job with this company :grimacing: