I posted a long running thread some time ago when my wife was diagnosed with bowel cancer.
That was 4 years ago,and she had surgery within 10 days of diagnosis,and these days if it is in a convenient place,as with my wife,it can be done by “Keyhole” surgery.
Since the op,she had to have a blood test and scan every 6 months,she’s just had the latest one,and it’s been good news al the way.
No signs of cancer at all,but one is never really cured of cancer,you are termed as being,“In remission”.
The 6 monthly check ups go on for 5 years after the op,then you are reckoned to have a good chance of survival.It’s only after 10 years you can say you’re cured.
I have a good friend who had exactly the same as my wife,and she was able to talk him through it and assure him that it was not the end of the world,he felt much better after talking to someone who’d been there.
good news doesn’t cover it , it is absolutely brilliant . i have lost so many family members to that terrible thing , when i hear of a success story like yours it really lifts my spirits . a merry xmas to you and mrs bestbooties , a happy new year and many more of both in the future . cheers , dave
Cancer is a ■■■■■■■■■ know!
Pleased for you especially so close to Christmas and best of luck with future check ups for your good lady
That’s is good news
I hope your wife’s check-ups continue to be good news and you both have many more years of good health ahead
Very good news indeed, i lost my Dad to bowel cancer in January 2013 because he was too stuborn to go to the doctors straight away so be warned. 3 months later my Mum was told she had cancer in her kidney, bladder and several other areas and things are not good for her.
Like Big Vern said ■■■■■■■ cancer.
Some good news for you
My dad died a couple years back of bowl, lung , liver cancer he was also to stubborn to go to Dr much earlier
Some people are too embarrassed to do the postal check up that everyone gets automatically at 60.
Don’t be embarrassed,it can save your life,my wife is testament to that.
My brother in law had one drop trough the letterbox and he put it in a draw.
When my wife was diagnosed,he was quick to dig it out and do the test!