good deed

i was in scunthorpe on thursday on a narrow lane. there was a complete whiteout.
an old women was struggling to walk down the lane, so i stopped and gave her a lift.
she had to meet her daughter at the main road, so she could get some bird seed, and hedgehog food. :laughing:
no [zb], it’s true. :laughing:
she was very grateful that i stopped.
well at least one person will like truck drivers now.

so, has anyone else done a good deed in the snow?

i picked some dog ■■■ up from the path

Sadly due to the modern day society theres not much of the “helping out others” goes on now.

Back in 1970’s and 1980’s if someone was standing at a bus stop you would stop and give them a lift, nowadays its almost unheard of in the UK with all the police warnings about getting into strangers cars.

Funnily though, over here in Bulgaria if your driving along to the village, you have to watch out for the old folk running out into the road and holding their hand or a walking stick up to stop you, the first time that happened to me in June I thought there was something seriously wrong and got out the van only to find the old man getting in the passenger side Lol he realised I couldnt speak much Bulgarian so just said Central Magazine and waved me on Lol (Central is what they call the village centre and Magazine is shop)

Theres rarely a day when at least 1 old person doesn’t stop a car and jump in lol

i dug out the poor interlink express drivers van in our street today after he wedged it against the kerb and lost all grip and was trying to dig himself out with a dustpan and brush. :smiley:

Yes, ive sprayed a few car windscreens with slush,
doing 30 on a dual carrageway ,i took it they could’nt see anything :laughing: