Gone down hill fast

This forum has gone down hill fast in the last year
Not help by botched server move which lost a lot of old photos
And now the tripe posts of a few troll members
Bye :wave::wave: and yes I’ll watch that door on my way out

Yep…unfortunately you are right, it aint the forum it used to be.
I’ve said before, it’s like your favourite pub, you go in there and you know exactly what to expect, who will be in there, and you enjoy time spent talking and socialising …

Then it changes hands, the new people in charge have different ideas and ways, and it gets totally effed up in different degrees, until many of the regulars, mostly characters who make it what it is, and who can not adapt, just dont go back, then it either limps on, or eventually closes down.

I’ve kinda adapted to it but I cant say I’m totally comfortable with it, or happy with it as such.
There seems to be the same few members who keep it alive, if they dont come on for a couple of days, it is just quiet…a fraction of the traffic, with a lot of regulars gone.
Off top of my head?
Dozy, Juddian, Punchy Dan, nodding donkey, eagerbeaver to name a few.
Last 2 on premod who just got sick I reckon…there should have been a clean slate on premods when all this sh kicked off at start of year, it just seems a bit counter productive when the forum needs ‘traffic’ and contributions to keep it alive.

Btw…@ o/p…I know you are still lurking :joy:, so just stick with it.

Change is always difficult to accept, but I fear the TN change has been a step too far.
I’m a bit of a masochist so I try to stick with it, but I’m not optimistic about TN’s long term future .
There’s no going back now, we’ve got to make the best of what we’ve got.

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Yep, that’s exactly what I am doing at least.
This is my only sort of ‘social media’ if you like, that I am involved in.
I have always enjoyed contact on here with fellow drivers and like minded people…even the complete d/head contingent among us.:smile:
But I can see why many have walked and moved to alternative platforms like Facebook…which really aint for me.

So I’ll continue to persevere with this…if only to keep winding up my old mate Frangers bless him.:joy:

Sadly I have to agree, I understood the old site and had no problems navigating it. I am lost on this format!

It is a bit cumbersome, but still basically, good company.

I’m a bit slow myself and inclined to grouse. I’ve only recently navigated the labyrinthine contortions and contraptions of the new-fangled thing with some success and I am thus, like yourself, something of a masochist. Again, like you, I’ll put my ten penn’orth in and see who salutes it: if nothing comes of a number of attempts, so be it. Nonetheless, it’d be a royal shame to consign all the genuine info, the gags, the yarns, the sheer history to the bin.

It seems to me (in the 15 minutes I’ve been here) that the place has gone from something driven by a David-Brown gearbox to an automatic power-everything touch-screen wonder wherein many simply stepped out of the cab and said “N.O.”; those few who remain have to (as you say) “make the best of what we’ve got”

Here endeth etc.

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I didn’t either, but by golly gum it was slow and without a skerrick of modern features. It was a Bedford TK of platforms, if you like. It seems to me that an adequate halfway house would’ve been a Merc 814 or a Volvo FL6 with a synchro manual, but it skipped all that and went full auto-everything. I can’t blame those who handed their cards in, but I wish they’d stuck around.

If you get anything out of it, stay, if not, go. I don’t think the site owners are really that bothered either way. Truth be told, what is there to say really, apart from share anything you feel like sharing, ask a question, answer a question, etc? Post celebrity snuff-its, memes, take the ■■■■ out of Frangers, whatever floats your boat.

THE TRUCK AND BUS FORUM ,by contrast is a joy to use

Tbh every forum that has undergone massive changes the same thing happens, luta of people just do not bother anymore, yet they all still live on albeit a fraction of the users they once had that post at least.

The problem is more people use it for information without signing up these days to read old threads.

The only people who can say how much the site traffic the site gets and new oats compare to before etc are the backend guys who will habe all that data available.

It may look a heck of a lot quieter and probably is, but how much before was actual useful content and not just driven etc.

It’s easy to say it looks worse based on our perspectives, but yes some names seem lacking and can have only a few new posta a day if lucky.

It is what it is, people are resistant to change I’m afraid, and forums are becoming a thing if the last sadly, I much prefer a forum for knowledge as a digest than any rubbish like faceache etc. Yet people insist on using something for something it was not originally designed for instead of something that worked just fine.

Say lavvy.

I’ve just had a quick look and there appears to have been about 9 posts since the beginning of June and 2 of them were yours, even this place isn’t that quiet.

It’s probably a “joy to use” because it’s so quiet :smile:

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But the new layout is confusing. It’s just a big blob of white. The old layout was obviously familiar but seemed much more logical. I could log in and immediately see new posts from the main page. This interface is pants. When I open a thread it’s hard to see the order of conversation and who’s posted. I apologise to all who sat up til 4 in the morning working on it, but it’s pants. My suggestion would be to go back to the old pages. The usual, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it applies.

No signature? Why on earth not?

From my own point of view, there’s only so many topics to discuss. After a while, (Trucknet was the same) there’s just nothing new to talk about. That’s not managements fault.

Looking around the site now, nearly all of the old timers aren’t typing any more. I’m confident it isn’t because they all got jobs paying £55 ph, got married, bought a new barge or won the lottery.

Last time I looked at that site it was dead as a doornail, I can’t imagine it has blossomed in the intervening months

EDIT, just seen Tachograph’s post, clearly it has not blossomed.

For those that are determined to complain about New TN, try having a browse of the cesspit of moronicity that is Facebook driver groups, then tell me New TN is garbage. At least here people take the time to type “you” instead of incessantly posting “ya” :roll_eyes:

Had a look at that site, everybody to there own thing but not for my liking

i wasnt saying it has blossomed was just saying how easy it is to use . how easy it is to navigate

Maybe it’s what people are familiar with, when i looked at it i didn’t like it and maybe that’s because i am familiar with this site and didn’t bother to go any further
Its probably the same thing happening here, people well most people don’t like change and that’s understandable.
This site is going a long time and from what I’m reading had a lot of good content and photos and stories but according to some posts half of the content has disappeared