one word for the numptys POSTCODE no excuses
Well . . . . . . . . . . .
That all depends on the information you’re given being correct
We get most of our detail by text.
I can’t remember enough to give the text to let you work it out, so - just the outline details . . . . .
I received a text with a company name, an address, and the postcode.
It was a Tyre Fitting company with a box of imported tyres.
Acme Tyre Co
Johnson Street
TS10 3BH
(The underscore shows actual info, italicised shows vague memory info)
Now then, “TS” is the postcode prefix for Teeside, “CF” is for Cardiff. And bear in mind that some letters sound very similar when spoken over the telephone - particularly mobiles with anything resembling a doddgy line/connection. “f” and “s” being the most common.
No worries, I’ve plenty of time waiting for the box - I’ll fire up the laptop and Goggle it as well as TomTom test it.
Theres a Johnson Street in Cardiff and a Johnson Lane in Middlesborugh-ish
Acme Tyre Co has depots/outlets in both Cardiff and Middlesborough-ish actually on Johnson Lane
Honestly, you couldn’t make it up
Oh - here’s one from my other half. She’s blonde, but she’s really not that dumb . . . .
She had to go to one of her company’s depots in Dublin the other day.
Jamestown Road, Finglas, Dublin. For a gigle, get your Googlemaps/TomToms out and find that one